Sings "Welcome to the Jungle..."
JoinedPosts by Layla33
everyone welcome djday22 please
by Beta Male inthis person is legit, and not a troll/liar/con artist/fraud/schizo/asshat.. promise..
Did you have any self righteous holier than though in your congro??
by karter inwe moved to a new congro when we got married there was a pioneer couple who looked down on anyone who wasn't as good as them.. my wife was pioneering i was working my butt off trying to save some money to buy a house (we did) these 2 looked down on anyone who brought anything nice ,we found out they were running down to the welfare for a free handout at the expense of hard working people like me just to look good.. take away the label pioneer they would probably support themselves.. another solo mum living on welfare used to rave on how she pioneered lets face it having the state pay you to bring up one child she had plenty of time on her hands.. i was working on council houses and helped her get one even helped her move into it ,soon after she married the father of her child (he became a jw) after the help my wife & i had given her we didnt get an invite to the wedding they only invited elders , ms , regular pioneers one of my mates who was a pioneer said '' don't know why they invited me don't even know them''.
fast forward after much , much ass licking (you had to see it to believe it ) he became an elder only to be removed a few months later.
If anyone had one of the so-called "annointed" in the congro, I am sure they can attest to the holier than thou attitude. I know that as a JW growing up, I saw it all the even in my own family. I have an aunt and uncle and cousin who are some of the most snobby, stuck up, walking zealots you ever want to meet. He is a president overseer and she is a special pioneer or whatever they go by these days, but the way they look down their noses at people always amazed me, because beyond the walls of the JW, they were pretty poor, simple people who didn't have much and never ascribed to much, but inside those walls you would have thought they floated through the doors. I really believe this organization creates people like this because of those type of titles.
Do you still pray?
by Layla33 ini was wondering about this the other day before i went to sleep, out of habit and my spiritual beliefs now, i spoke to the spiritual realm above and asked for guidance and protection.. i remember my journey of leaving the jw "borg" (a new term i have picked up here - i like it!
) and at first i refused to pray at all, and then i wasn't sure i wanted to or not, and then i developed my own sense of the higher power above and spirituality and every night before i sleep, i feel blessed to have another day of life, to do it all again.
even on days when i am not having such a good day, i take time to ask the higher realm for strength and direction.
I was wondering about this the other day before I went to sleep, out of habit and my spiritual beliefs now, I spoke to the spiritual realm above and asked for guidance and protection.
I remember my journey of leaving the JW "borg" (a new term I have picked up here - I like it!) and at first I refused to pray at all, and then I wasn't sure I wanted to or not, and then I developed my own sense of the higher power above and spirituality and every night before I sleep, I feel blessed to have another day of life, to do it all again. Even on days when I am not having such a good day, I take time to ask the higher realm for strength and direction. As a Buddhist in the morning, I do not pray, I simply meditate for about twenty minutes of time, to clear my mind and center myself. I love doing that too.
I am curious if the ex JWs and those on the road out, do you pray and when you do, whom do you pray to? I'm just curious.
was anyone actually proud and happy to be spreading the word(ministry)
by looloo ini can only think of one person who actually seemed to have "joy in her heart "on the min when i studied , and even the dubs used to hate being put with this person, it all seems so obvious now that it has nothing to do with a love for god , but doing whats expected of you
I was happy as a wee little girl, like promises of Disney Land known as "Paradise on Earth". But then I grew up and realized I couldn't memorize enough rebuttals, was tired of running from dogs and I wanted to watch Saturday morning cartoons. Bugs Bunny, anyone??
If the WTS decide that people no longer had to go out in the FS (which would never happen, since selling is what the organization is based on), there would be about 1 hour per person per month.
Do you believe that the majority of JW's will be saved?
by JH inif there is a god, do you think that the majority of jw's will be saved at armageddon?.
i'm not asking if they have the only true religion, i'm asking if you think they would be saved along with others who do god's will sufficiently to satisfy him.....
Absolutely not because the very tenants you believe are incorrect - IMO.
People still trying to figure God out and what is going to happen "in the end", have no real clue how it is going to go down. And that's a shame.
Proof WBTS is downgrading 1914
by yesidid inmaybe they're keeping the doctrine but they are not writing about it as much in the watchtower.. below are statistics from their 07 cd showing how many times 1914 was mentioned in the watchtower for each year 1950 to 2006 .
i have divided the years 1950 2006 into segments of eight excepting for the last, which is nine.. on the side i have the average for those years.
notice they have gone from 88.87 a year to 24.44. .
I wonder in 2014 if they will celebrate Jesus 100th anniversary as king
LOL! Love it.
The simple fact of the matter is that it is false doctrine. The entire premise was incorrect. Everything that they attacked outside religions of, they themselves were guilty. They had people selling their homes, sitting around waiting for something that has never materialized. And yet they still go on this ludicrious idea that they are the only "true religion". Come on, people are waking up and those that realize it is BS are staying because of tradition, family, friends and waiting for it to "work itself out" which translates into "I know it is not right, but I have no idea what to do with the JWs".
Reunions.....the aftermath
by RAYZORBLADE init's hard to believe, i joined this forum five years ago (january 2003).. i was happy to join here because it appeared at the time, to be a rather sane and welcoming place.
i really enjoyed it.
like any forum; i've been on others not related to jehovah's witnesses, and you see parallels.
I am kind of like Junctionguy in the fact that I really don't have much desire to know the JW friends that I grew up with and that's because for the most part I still know relatively what and how they are doing through family members. Once and a while I will have a moment where I will remember or think about "whatever happened to so-so" but it doesn't last for too long. As I am still getting used to the site, I tossed over going to the reunions and such, but again, I am not so sure about it.
It's been 18 years for me. I still talk with a good portion of my family, but I really don't think in terms of the JW ideology, it's interesting to discuss it on here, but in my life and thought processes it rarely comes up, if at all. I remember the painful/hard process of leaving and I am glad I got it out of the way at 18 and I am very happy with the adult I have turned out to be. However, just because someone is an ex-JW doesn't mean we would have much in common, as I do think that the leaving the JW religion can be a training ground for dysfunction and sometimes people get really spun out of control within themselves afterwards and don't truly ever find their footing.
I think there is some truth to the phrase "you can never go back home again". And that's not to say, there aren't good reunions, because I am sure there are, but just come into it clearly and not with rose-colored glasses.
Field Service = $8.00 Per Hour
by moomanchu inspecial pioneer $600.00 per 130 hours per month.
healthcare 440.00(?
) per month.
I agree with the premise for the topic, but let's be reasonable, that's still not enough to live on. They are still living at poverty level and worse. What's going to happen with the recession kicks up a notch and these people can't even afford the basic necessities?
For anyone thinking of having kids with a JW..
by avishai inplease do not reproduce with a jw!!
growing up jw sucks big time.
out in the cold in service, out in the heat in service, 30 hours a week of meetings, service, prep, family study (at least) on top of homework, chores, limited access to friends, getting dragged in front of a jc every time a stupid rumor comes up, constant pressure to "narc" on your friends, no extracurricular activities, no higher education, having to hate everyone not a jw etc, having to kiss ass to anyone who has abused you/screwed you over if you don't have "proof"... any more reasons?
PLEASE do not reproduce with a JW!! Growing up JW sucks big time. Out in the cold in service, out in the heat in service, 30 hours a week of meetings, service, prep, family study (at least) on top of homework, chores, limited access to friends, getting dragged in front of a JC every time a stupid rumor comes up, constant pressure to "narc" on your friends, no extracurricular activities, no higher education, having to hate everyone not a JW etc, having to kiss ass to anyone who has abused you/screwed you over if you don't have "proof"... Any more reasons?
You articulate so well how childhood is for a JW. Something you wrote really stood out in my mind, as I remember seeing some JW friends of ours when we were all teenagers making out on the school bus. I remember going home and telling my brothers about it and being forced to tell on them. It was horrible. So many issues fell on that family after that. Both of the boys were kicked out of the house, they lived in their car for a while, then one of the boys, I will call him "Ken" got a girl pregnant, so his parents took both the sons back in. I don't think either son completed high school or both got their GEDs. Well, one day the son "Ken" was working on his car and the car fell on top of him and killed him. The other son, let's call him "G" was in a horrible accident that nearly killed him and affected his brain functions to this day.
So much telling on each other, sometimes lying on each other, the spiritual cliques and everything else. The backbiting, the fury of not being able to pick your own friends. I remember it well.
The night I decided my C.O. was an apostate
by Olin Moyles Ghost inthe following took place several years ago in a congregation in the united states.
we had this circuit overseer who was a real piece of work.
40-ish mts grad, i believe.
I'm confused by the title of this thread and then the story itself. There are a lot of hypocrites in the JW religion, who bend and mold this religion whatever way they feel. There's so many of us that can tell you about it. I just can't use the definition of apostate by the JW religion as what was going on in this situation.
I don't believe he was "the apostate".