JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
its the begining
by pepperheart inits the begining of the end for the jws in place of the 200 and 300 page books that they have on the trolleys they had some of the old editions of the watchtower and awake so they have gone from 300 page books to 16 page tracts.why havent they replaced the books with new ones it couldnt be that they are short of money lol
Pete is right, but the overwhelming fact is that everything the WT is putting out lately is to DISCOURAGE the dissemination of their literature. It isn't making them money, anyway. They are going online and the carts are really just about putting the "JW.ORG" out there-branding. -
Why the Deficit at the Circuit Assembly?
by JT-LadyC inhave you ever wondered why there is always a deficit at the circuit assembly?
did you realize that before the program begins, the circuit is already in the red?
many of the friends thought they were paying for the use of the building and covering the costs of the utilities, etc.
there are two assembly days coming up in Carthage, Texas (today and tomorrow, I think). It costs $600 to rent the hall and center. It can cost about $1000 if the venue sets up lights. We know that beyond that, they have the manpower and skills to take care of the rest of it. So, over about 2000 for 2 different assemblies which will likely cost each group (probably 1000 or so?) 12,000 (isn't it about $12 a day now?).
Yeah, they aren't doing this for the money.
Only a few days ago I was entirely lost and without hope the rug was pulled out from under me
by elderess inonly a few days ago i was walking around the house in a mindless wander thinking if i needed to seek professional help.
then i got the courage to seek the comfort of complete strangers on the internet and found a world of support here on this website.
thank you simon and whoever else has made this website possible.
I love your straightforward and undramatic way of talking with your husband. Instead of having a lot of drama and subterfuge with the most important person in your life, you were able to be honest. It can't always go so well, but I think that it was a good way to do it. You obviously have a strong relationship that has built a real foundation over the years. I'm glad you are on the same page about all of this. I'm just sitting here grinning for you both!!!
It's too bad your first election will be such a farce. Not one single front runner is anyone I would want to be president-even if I were an apolitical JW they'd all make me break out in hives. [SMH] At least you have birthdays and THANKSGIVING!!!!
Legal action against a science teacher with pictures of JC in his class.
by James Mixon inazusa ca.
the aclu has threatened legal action against the azusa school district over a high.
school science teacher's "regular endorsement of religion in the classroom.
That's not cool. I would think that he could simply state that he is teaching what is known about the science of biology and the conclusions drawn by men noted in science (who obviously progressed further in various specialties than he did), though his personal conclusions may not always coincide. However, knowing that our knowledge of science is always progressing, he is happy to keep on learning!
Then teach the class what he is required to. Keeps him honest, but truly, if he has so many objections, he has no business teaching the class in a public school.
Elders & Ex Elders, did knowing sins of congregation members change how you treated them?
by Wasanelder Once inwhen you found out all the sins of fellow witnesses did it effect how you treated them?
it was shocking when i found out the range of bs these people did to each other.
i don't mean sexual abuse, i mean fraud, theft, infidelity and more.
resoect_observer: all things considered, it is probably just as well no sleep overs. But as to limiting your friendships and association so much, did it make you wonder about how the most happy and loving organization on earth created an entire congregation of people who were not trustworthy enough for children to visit unless accompanied by their parents? -
Ladies: Circumcision or not?
by Wonderment inthe topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
Female circumcision: my experience was knowing family where the wife had been circumcised as a young child. It is done by women to girls usually. It is cultural and according to husband, men would prefer a wife that enjoys sex and didn't avoid it. He found no value in it in any way. Wife accepted the family tradition, but she is a doctor and knows better. It hasn't ruined her life with a loving husband and healthy children, but it is not a tragedy, just a wistful regret for what could have been. Another friend said he refused to marry anyone who had been because he was cautioned by a older family member.
He didn't want a daughter because he didn't want the fight about it with in laws-who had done it to his niece w/o consent from parents. The maternal grandma was a dinosaur. Husband and wife both opposed but tradition dies slowly. These people are well educated and not living in a village.
Ladies: Circumcision or not?
by Wonderment inthe topic of circumcision has been brought up a few times recently.
then i wondered... .
how do women really view circumcision?
My son had issues from not being circumcised. Not fatal, but uncomfortable and requiring medical attention. Next son was circumcised. Doc said it hurt me more than him. He cried more from waking up with a wet diaper. Felt bad, but eh, that one had no issues. -
Got in a bad wreck.....uuugh
by brandnew injust happy to be alive....can barely move ☺.. a girl who just got her license , and a new suv....thought it might be cool to pass the person in front of her....at a curve......on a two way road!!!!!😠😠😠.
very mad puppy.
Get well soon! -
GoFundMe - JW Pioneer & LDC Couple
by Listener injerry jones on youtube exposed a jw couple who were begging for money on gofundme.
this is his youtube .
Most or many Christians fund their missions by appealing to Christians in churches. The collections taken go direct to the missionaries and perhaps the school or clinic or whatever they are working at. There may be a mission fund through an org, but a lot spend their furloughs fundraising. No problem with that but asking for debt relief? THAT went over the boundaries.
Will a hundred buy a cart? I bet they seeded that themselves hoping the friends would compete to be generous. Like the tip jar with a few buck already stuffed in at opening time at the coffee shop.
I feel for any family in medical need, but if I can't help all of them, I'm sure not donating so that someone can annoy people!
I was critically ill for a long time...
by The Rebel inbut thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the w.t and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however i am not sure i am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about gods existence and evolution .. anybody else feal the same?
" tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....." .
the rebel.
Don't bother worrying about debates. Just be happy. There is no obligatory debating to be here. You just laugh at the latest WT broadcast and sympathize with our escaping and/or "ill" friends. No obligation for that, either.
I'm so glad you are doing better. It's like being cured. The underlying illness may be gone, but getting your strength back may take awhile. You are welcome here no matter what.