Cultural literacy demands he knows such things. I was so darn ignorant I thought memorial day was the anniversary of Jesus's death. You and son did good.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
An Odd Request from Our Ex-JW Son
by TMS inmy wife and i, both out of the religion for nearly twenty years, live in the same border town as our 44 year old only son.
we have scant contact with our numerous jw relatives, although a handful of clever "double life" nieces and nephews socialize with our son.. we care for our six year old grandson weekdays while our single parent son makes a living.
we've been infinitely better grandparents than we were parents, primarily because of our exit from a high control cult, but also because of life experience.
Long Time Visitor New Member
by LogansRun injust wanted to say hello, i have been visiting this site for a very long time and i feel like i know so many of you already, now you can get to know me but for now i'm fading so i cant give my complete story.
i'm single but have "hardcore" siblings in the religion, thankfully i do have family who never expressed interest in the jws.
i really checked out years ago from to much mental abuse and no recognition for all that i gave to this organization.
Welcome to our asylumđ
Branch visit yesterday
by neat blue dog inthere was a special convention yesterday, a branch visit in ghana with david splane as the guest of honor..
Who goes to Ghana for vacation? He earning his keep. And there are cheap flights for prob less than 2,000 if you shop.
So Today Was My Wife's First Ever Birthday Party
by dubstepped inshe turned one today, and 36 earlier this week.
we planned a big party, big for two people that have never thrown a party before.
we rented a church fellowship hall because 1. it was nice and big and affordable and 2. it was kind of awesome to throw a party in a place we would have never ventured in our previous life.
You cradle robber, you!
What religion does Steven Hassan practices?
by cyberjesus indo you know?
i think i saw a video stating he is now jewish?
i am not certain, does anybody know?.
Having faith in a diety is not equivalent to belonging to a high control religion.
I know longer want to cherry pick holes in the organisation.
by The Rebel ininstead i would rather spend my days picking fresh cherries from a tree, in fact i am having so much fun i have got the whole family involved, and the freezer is full of red berries, black currents, and today is more strawberry picking.
i have also gone to a farm and made my own yummy honey.. anyway have you been berry picking?
do you have any ideas how i can really enjoy my fresh goodies?
Throw some in freezer(google how to freeze fruit) and in the middle of winter bake up some summertime sunshiney memories. chopped up in muffins, scones, cakes. . .yum.
Words omitted from a Watchtower article
by Doug Mason ina short time ago i sought information regarding a quotation in the watchtower of april 1, 2010, which did not identify the exact source of the quotation from professor oskar skarsaune.
my interest was heightened because words had been omitted from the source.. the wts provided a copy of the original 29-page article, which is in norwegian.. here is my very unofficial personal translation of the passage from professor skarsaune's article that the watchtower is quoting.
firstly i provide the text as it appears in the watchtower magazine, highlighting where the text has been omitted.
JW facts said: "When Insight, Volume 1 p. 409 discusses the Canon, it states "Outside the Scriptures themselves there is evidence that, as early as 90-100 C.E., at least ten of Paulâs letters were collected together. It is certain that at an early date Christians were gathering together the inspired Christian writings." It then goes on to discuss how the Early Fathers were quoting the NT books. Again, this does not say the Canon was closed by 100, but as I read these quotes as a JW, wanting to believe God directed the Canon, I thought that is what it meant.
That is interesting about how the "Early Fathers were quoting the NT books" as if that is the evidence that they WERE inspired. The NT quotes books that the WT think are "apocryphal", and the quoting doesn't change the status as being UNINSPIRED according the the WT.
(4:15 And what you hate, do not do to any one. (Tob)
7:12 So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; for this is the law and the prophets (Mt)
3:7 In the time of their visitation they will shine forth, and will run like sparks through the stubble. (Ws)
13:43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. (Mt)
2:15 Those who fear the Lord will not disobey his words, and those who love him will keep his ways. 2:16 Those who fear the Lord will seek his approval, and those who love him will be filled with the law. 2:17 Those who fear the Lord will prepare their hearts, and will humble themselves before him. 2:18 Let us fall into the hands of the Lord, but not into the hands of men; for as his majesty is, so also is his mercy. (Sir)
14:23 Jesus answered him, "If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.
Hello Everyone
by Mozzie inhoping this is the right section..... my story so far,,,.
hello everyone, i have been reading a lot on what most jws would say apostate websites, but i have been asking myself, how much of this s true and considering a lot of these are run by ex jw elders, bethalites and one who was with the gb at one stage, overseers and the like.
i was an unbaptized publisher many years ago but never got to the point of baptism as i fell into sin, that pretty much ended my attending meetings again.
- I am not an atheist. I read Bart Ehrman and Reza Aslan and Christian writers and Jewish and Muslim thinkers. I don't think it is disloyal to God to 1. read them or 2. Call them BS when that's what it is. I can agree and disagree with them on many different points based on the information and their reasoning about it-and I do!
- The Watchtower organization, Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to READ anything that opposes THE ORGANIZATION.(notice, I didn't say Jehovah God, or God,most are not leaving the borg ranting about God-their gripe is with the org) That can be directly or otherwise-just not agreeing with them is opposing them.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to QUESTION (openly or to any JW but an elder which will land them in a JC if they persist) ANY of the WT teachings. Now, maybe you can question the validity of the Bible to them and they will just try to "reason" with you, but question the WT LEADERSHIP??? THAT IS APOSTACY!!! You can call Ehrman or Aslan or Osteen or billy graham sloppy scholars TO THEIR FACE, or that they make ridiculous arguments or are just plain wrong or say how you disagree with their conclusions and NONE of them are going to have you exiled from their company/friends/family.None are going to declare you a mentally diseased person with a poor heart condition. Every last one of them would enjoy having the discussion over a cup of coffee and a peace of pie, so long as you are not coming off as a threat to them physically. The WT and JWs are a cult that despises and actually forbids independent thinking.They won't sit down at a table with anyone who disagrees with them.
- You have a strong family and are with a strong partner. Twenty years is for all intents and purposes a marriage as we think of it and how your family functions-without, presumably, stereotypical roles being required. Adam and Eve didn't have a ceremony, they just landed in Eden together for all we know. But they stayed, they built a (disfunctional, but STILL) family of their own. That is what your partnership is-you built a family together and THAT is what its about, so don't let anyone put you down because of a label or piece of paper.
- DO put your legal affairs in order so that your partner and children are protected. You and your partner should do that.
- I'd keep asking the pioneer hard questions until they chicken out and end the study. Don't go to the meetings. They don't have "the truth". It is a manipulative, high control religion and you have let it make you feel bad about yourself for TOO long.
Why JW's Rave So Much About Conventions
by freemindfade in"it was so beautiful, we are truly blessed!
now, they also plaster these affirmations all over social media, "this is the best life", âso blessedâ, âbest conventionâ.. why the gushing?
have you ever heard anyone say, âmmmm it was okâ?
It's all they GOT, that's why they are raving. It is the only time JWs get new clothes. The only vacation(such as it is) they might get at all. It is the closest thing to a "holiday" gathering that JWs have. The memorial is just another boring meeting. An assembly might mean going out with friends to eat, playing in a hotel pool, getting drunk when mom and dad are out with their old buddies. getting drunk with the old buddies. Playing pranks, meeting a new boy/girl and there MIGHT be something revolutionary, apocalyptic even! Bunker videos--that will have 'em talking for MONTHS.
How baptism rate at conventions relates to yearbook growth rate (Discussion)
by bohm inwe had a number of posters report on the baptism rate at conventions which is usually less than 1% and rates lower than 0.5% is by no means uncommon.
despite this there is still a positive growth rate in the us (0.71% according to the yearbook) and i wonder how these numbers relate.
i wonder if anyone can help me out if these assumptions are true:.
They are playing with the congregations, with the consolidation and re-arranging that's going on. All the shuffling about probably has even long time elders getting a distorted view of the growth or lack thereof when they are making smaller language groups(so very few could make up a congregation in a given area) and then larger consolidated congregations to save money and sell off buildings.
Why are people even showing up for the Memorial? I went to one years after I left and while the speaker was excellent, his presentation of the talk just reminded me of unusual it was. He spoke of things that sounded Christian instead of JW-in spite of the stupid JW stuff that couldn't be left out-like reminders not to eat at the lords evening meal and all. But seriously, the memorial is so weird. I can't imagine why any of it convinces a non born in to join or an apostate or df'd one to return.
I have seen more than one hall used for 5-6 congregations (drive by's). My aunts hall had 6 congs that have since been consolidated to 3 (they had shrunk) and now that hall is being made redundant and they are moving to a couple of other halls. I think they may be playing with the numbers more than they will admit because I don't see how they are growing AT ALL.