Youtube video called "Chuck's Rascals" filmed at Russell's grave in Pittsburgh.....
Really creepy but well done....
youtube video called "chuck's rascals" filmed at russell's grave in pittsburgh...... really creepy but well done.....
Youtube video called "Chuck's Rascals" filmed at Russell's grave in Pittsburgh.....
Really creepy but well done....
i got an interesting email that i wanted to share that deals with beliefs.
in this case it deals with financial success but it also applies to doctrinal beliefs.
example: witnesses are positive thinkers but not positive knowers (is that a word?
"What we've discovered is that successful people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed. And they will not entertain, think about, or talk about the possibilities that they'll fail. They do not even consider the possibility of failure."
This is true of pretty much every successful individual I have known, regardless of their chosen field.
if you could be anywhere right now, doing anything.... what would it be?.
right now, i'd be watching oasis in concert, bottle of beer in one hand, a tiny tiny bit drunk.....
My favourite tapas bar in Barcelona, or enjoying a glass of red wine in my favourite bar in Paris....sigh.......
now, this is just for the fun of having a little "roast", eh?
narkissos said:.
I vote for a tie between Ross (little toe) and Nark. I have always envisioned them as a pair of Benedictine Monks having some "obscure" debate in Latin.....LOL...
i have a question that i'm curious to have feedback on.
if jehovah has always had a group of people that were "his select group" to have his messages relayed, who were these people/relgions between the time of the early christians of bibilical times and the founding of the bible students?
Obviously, the Hare Krishnas.....
many people don't know why they "feel" what they feel.
they fall in love with the wrong person.
they cry unexpectedly.
Emotions dont "begin" with values. They are generated by a complex interaction of our internal neurophysiological and biological dispositions which are determined prenatally, from our genetic makeup. We have very little control over this as thousands of published papers in the fields of neurogenetics and behavioural physiology have demonstrated: our range of emotional reactivity is simply a pheotype derived from our unique genotype. Obviously our specific environments act within this circumscribed genetic range, but the simple point is, emotional reactivity is largely controlled by factors outside our conscious awareness.
VALUES are merely the result of conditioning, and developmental periods of positive and negative reinforcement provided by parents, siblings, peers, and society in general. It is the ACT of reinforcement (either positive or negative) that ELICITS the emotional association with the specific belief or behaviour being "conditioned". Emotions are simply the essential subtext to the formation of a value, as we would not develop a particular "belief" or "value" if it failed to have an emotional "core" attached to it, regardless of what that emotional meaning may be.
The spectrum of emotions have evolved over millions of years of hominid evolution in response to specific environmental forces which has led to the development of a complex system of emotional processing and regulation within the human brain.
A simplified neurocogntive-emotional circuit: Ventral tegmental area (Dopamine neurons) >>> send emotional neuronal signals to the AMYGDALA>>>>which then transmits the "combined" conditioned association between emotional information and its sensory meaning to >>>> the PREFRONTAL CORTEX where we form a conscious perception of this specific information within its "emotional context"......We can learn to control this to a limited extent by inhibiting the amygdala through descending input from the cortex, BUT, what is largely beyond our control is the emotional information being transmitted through the dopamine inputs and which are taking place at the SUBCONSCIOUS LEVEL......(to which we have no access).
there are more cracks we will be discovering in the kingdom of the heaven in the watchtower and i am going to ask you this: if christ did return to kingdom power in 1914, then how come we are not feeling the effects of his rule at this time?
is it reason to believe that jesus return to earth will be a future event and that it will be very much visible and that we will feel the effect of his return to the earth by crushing all these kingdoms?
(daniel 2:44) .
"good food for though. Right out of the reasonong book."
Well agapa, you certainly spell like a Jehovah's Witness. Did'nt they offer remedial english classes in your Janitorial degree program?
why do you feel you need religion?
sorry, i am an atheist and i had to ask this question..
For the record, I think Marx got this one wrong: Opium produces far more pleasure than religion!
I prefer to think of "religion" as the "valium" of the masses....
ok i've been thinking about posting this for a while.
i'd really love to see what people think, there might even be people who think the same thing.. as jw's we got every single little thing rammed down our throats right?
so, we had set beliefs or answers for everything- does god exist?, are there aliens?
"I think I believe in God (or something), but thats about it."
Then should'nt the thread be titled "Revelling in still believing"??
this is weird.
i searched on the internet for ideas for my re-instatement letter and after gathering my information i submitted it.
the local body of elders questioned some of the information on it asking if it was from my heart and asking where i got it.