"It seems obvious that Perry was addressing Jw's here - lurkers who deny Christ by pretending to accept Him."
Really does not matter. This is a public discussion forum with a multiplicity of differing perspectives....we all have the right to call his post as we see it. As to the second sentence, it is your opinion (based upon your particular 'brand' of x-tianity) which leads you to the conclusion that JWs are "rejecting" christ while "pretending" to accept him. Active JWs would consider you to be a false christian, so why should anyone here consider you or Perry to be "better" christians than JWs???? Frankly, the very fact that you have this elated opinion of your particular "flavour" of x-tianity sounds like the antithesis of what a humble, loving and forgiving christian should be behaving like.....
"I doubt this thread was started to attack others who have taken a non-Christian course in some way. Why does it always turn that way?"
Simple. Inqusitor already answered the question perfectly. Perry is a self-righteous wind-bag who thinks he has a monopoly on "true" christianity. He sits on his brass-plated throne casting his righteous judgements and pronouncements upon all those whom he considers morally or "religiously" inferior. He spews anti-science and anti-evolution propaganda whenever he gets the chance whilst suffering from the delusion that there really was a fantasy garden called "Eden" where some sky-king decided to create an "Adam & Eve".....
In every facet, Perry is the intellectual equivalent of an active JW. He thinks he alone has the "true" version of christianity whilst condemning other christian sects and in the process violating the cardinal principal of christian morality: "Judge not, lest ye be judged".....
I wonder when that parrot is finally going to poop on his shoulder?