I said goodbye to my mom when I left JWism. I havn't talked to her since. It is going on 3 years.
I have a sister still in but she doesn't push the stuff on me. We don't talk about it at all. I email her here and there but don't talk to her in person.
The only time my mom and I were close was during the time I was a JDub. I come from an abusive background so I didn't grow up being close to her. I do NOT feel like I have lost something. The relationship we had that was based on JWism was just that. And since I am not one and don't believe it anymore then we really have no basis or foundation for a relationship. I am not one that believes just because she birthed me that I am automatically beholding to her in some way. I hope that she has peace and I have a measure of love for her but she is not good for me and my daughter at this point in time. Maybe one day I wont feel that way but as for now ...
I can't tell you how you would feel by leaving family behind. It seems like I am NOT the norm when it comes to how I feel and act regarding family. I see family as people too. And if the person is healthy for me and me for them then great "let's hang out". But if not then I am not trying to hang out rather they are family or not.
But that's just me...
I wish you well!