WOOOO HOOOO! Good for you!!!
Wow! I would think that hurt big time!! ???
this is my piercing ... from thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/139023/1.ashx.
WOOOO HOOOO! Good for you!!!
Wow! I would think that hurt big time!! ???
I do some gift buying for the 2 people who are closest to be just for the fun of it. And if needed I help my boyfriend pick out gifts for his nephews and nieces (they don't exchange adult gifts).
It definitly has nothing to do with beliefs though. I don't claim to be christian or any other 'ian' or 'ist' or 'ic'. So christ birth or non-birth existance or non-existance holds no meaning for me. But of course that's just me ...
there was a recent thread on spelling, sentence structure, etc., that was legitimate, but probably made other's feel stupid.. my question is, what is your personal pet peeve?.
i've got a problem with poor construction inside my home...i hate the trim work, some cut too short so it looks like mouse holes over the floor.
i had my kitchen redone and the layout was so unusual that i can't open a fridge door unless i pull it forward or push it back to open a drawer.
I dont go 'over the edge' because it is not that crucial but it does rub me wrong when a person gives their 'opinion' on a subject in such a way that it seems like they expect everyone to feel the way they do and if people dont then they must be ignorant or stupid. It seems so demeaning. As if that person feels they are right no matter what. As if they dont understand it is ONLY their opinion or belief. That whole giving an 'opinion' with some kind of misplaced 'authority' just reminds me of the JW way of doing things and it's quite a bit repelling to me.
lately on here someone got a piecing and my question is did it mean anything to you or was it a thing to do?
i have thought of getting a tattoo but i don't know what to get.
it needs to repersent something of significance in my life.
I have a pair of eyes on my right shoulder. I saw this on a girl when I was about 19. It caught my eye and I wanted it right away. I didn't know why it attracted me so intensely. I waited 2 years or so before I got it because I wanted to make sure the desire for it would last. I have never regretted it.
What it means to me: Through the years I have always wanted to see things clearly. To see what is REALLY going on with people and situations not just what appears on the surface. It played a huge part in my parenting, in my growth to healthiness (releasing a jacked up childhood), and in my waking up and leaving JWism. Interesting enough I just took the Briggs personality test. I wouldn't normally put any stock in stuff like that but it described me to a T. And validated my feelings in this reguard by calling me a 'Seerer'. Pretty Cool!
I do want another one 'a cum shot one' (oops, did I actually type that? tehehee). One in the small of my back. I want it to be like a yin/yang made out of two people in motion circling each other. I can see it in my head but I have yet to find a good pic of what I see in my head. So anyone reading this feel free to pm me if you run across anything like that.
BTW ~ I also had my navel pierced for years. It didn't mean anything I just thought it was sexy. It started feeling irritated off and on so I took it out.
ENJOY ~ Whatever you decide to do. And remember piercings can be taken out but tats can not be removed.
has anyone read this book?
i've just started...just wondered what your take was on it...
I have the books (1, 2 & 3). I thought they were pretty cool.
Of course I look at them as fiction and I don't believe as the author believes on probably 75% of things but I remember it as being nice reading a couple of years ago. And there were a few things that i truly felt inside at the time that he happened to put into words in those books. I don't think I read them all through though.
recently, i was reacquainted with a friend that i knew since i started grade school.
he grew up in the world wide church of god and i as a witness.
neither of us did christmas so often we would find ourselves in the library while the rest of the school did christmas activities.. .
I know Briggs says INFJs are pretty rare but we have had 4 in a row here.
Makes me wonder how rare we are ... tehehee
recently, i was reacquainted with a friend that i knew since i started grade school.
he grew up in the world wide church of god and i as a witness.
neither of us did christmas so often we would find ourselves in the library while the rest of the school did christmas activities.. .
Raised JW
Spiritual but in NO WAY religious. Do not believe in God the religions and most people define that word.
i've been thinking a lot lately about how much i've changed over the last year.
i've only been out of the borg for a year but i've changed so much.
my father called me the other day and told me that he found out that my husband has been going on these xjw boards and wanted to know how i felt about it.
Wow!! U Go Gurl!! Sounds Like you are 'coming into your own'. AWESOME!!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style3 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style5 {color: #ff0000} .style6 {color: #000000} --> aftermath: the shame and regret of it allhaving been a convert of jehovahs witnesses for 14 years there is one issue .
that seems difficult to have closure with, and that is facing former relatives and .
worldly friends that i had since childhood.. the watchtower encouraged separation from the unbelievers of this world .
Just be honest with people. If you feel you owe certains ones a personal apology by all means do so. And for others when given the chance just be honest and let them make the decision of how close they want to be.
Remember there is no "shame" being fooled or snowed by a controlling religion. You are human and that road brought you to this point. And it sounds like you are pretty healthy now. So hold your head up ... you are human ... you got snowed but you woke up. Most people are understanding enough I would think. But if not 'good riddance'.
And as far as regrets ... what's done is done. The past is gone ... the future hasn't happened and is not promised the way you might envison it ... live life right now authentically and before you know it you will not even be able to spell regetr, regrte, uhhh ... regret.
Hugs & Smiles
i need some support, some suggestions, and perhaps a gut-check.
my husband was baptized in march.
he was raised from the time he was about 7 until his mom kicked him out at 15 (wasn't she loving?
Welcome Mrs Witness. Wow what a thing to have to deal with!! I am sorry you are in this situation. ((HUGS)))
As someone said earlier it is very hard to get through to a witness unless they are having 'serious' doubts and want to help themselves. They go into defense mode and allot of times it is like you never said anything at all because everything can be reasoned away in their minds. So you probably are in for a long battle depending on how much time and effort you are willing to put into this and more importantly where your husband is in his journey. Most of the time we cant make a person change unfortunatly.
But there is some hope ... personally I was raise as a JW. I left of my own accord at 16 and went back to it after I had my daughter about 10 years later. Even though my body was free for that long my mind was still enslaved. It was evidenced by me defending the religion even when I was not a part of it. That is a tall tell sign that a person is still enslaved to the mindset of the religion in one way or another. Anyway I was in it for about 7 years until I woke up. I was TOTALLY snowed while in it. But then I slowly began to wake up. And now I am out and have certainty that I will never return because I have proven to myself the crap just aint right.
Looking back ... I had allot of things I needed to heal from my childhood. And before going back I had not been able to totally get over that stuff. And since my mom (the main person connected to my disfunction/unhealthiness) was still a JW there was no way to get close enough to her so that I could get over my childhood stuff and finally let it and her go. At the time all I knew is I was in the 'truth' but hindsight is 20/20. So maybe even though he doesn't know it consciously he is trying to heal old wounds. And just maybe he will succeed and will wake up. But that is allot of maybe's.
With that being said it doesn't mean you have to be dragged through this crap with him. Definitly set you bounderies and the bounderies for your children. Got back to your church if that is what you want. This is your partner not your father and him setting regulations on your actions will probably only get worse if he buys into the whole JW 'me man me head of my household ~ you woman you submission to my demands~. Hopefully he wont but I would be careful not to let him feel he can totally take over the household with his new found JW bs no matter how much HE may THINK it will benefit yall.
Good luck! This may be a long road ahead of you. (((HUGS)))