JoinedTopics Started by 5thGeneration
by 5thGeneration in.
i heard that there was a memo that brothers on the platform at the assemblies/conventions should no longer wear "just out of bed" hair styles.. i kinda think jason bateman looks cool on arrested development!.
by 5thGeneration in.
why are the seventh day adventists growing faster than jw but we still boast 16 billion (something like that) hours in field ministry as being so important and proof that our work brings so many into the truth?.
What's the most DANGEROUS thing you ever did?
by JH in.
anybody ever bungee jump or do anything quite dangerous?.
Worse than death?
by 5thGeneration inone society thing that drives me crazy is trying to scare us by quoting the scripture about one who knows the truth and leaves is worse off than others who have never known the truth.. question: if every non-jw is going to die at armageddon, how can someone who leaves be worse off?
are they going to die more than the others?.
nice lips brooke
Increase ranks 10 fold
by 5thGeneration inhere's my take on how the society could increase it's ranks 10x.. start from scratch and go back to bible basics.. eliminate speculation.
every last thing in life does not need a rule on it.
recognize that there is a grey area.. cut meetings down to sunday public talk.
Why JW are overweight and unhealthy
by 5thGeneration inwe were told at our convention that "some" brothers and sisters exercise up to an hour or 2 a day.
"some" even join gyms.
then we were told that this would be "self-serving" and a real waste of valuable time better spent on theocratic things.. ouch!.
First Post
by 5thGeneration insome things confuse me here.
i am in the same position as many where i don't agree with so much the society says and feel stuck dragging myself to the meetings and then feel incredible guilt because the study for the day says it is wrong to have any doubts "even in private".
impossible for me!.
You know your an Apostate when
by pleaseer2001 inok jesika and i started this in chat so here it goes,.
you know your an apostate when..........worldy is a word used for your friends.
you now your an apostate when ............your parents call after five years....and say anything new!.
CALL TO ACTION: Write the United Nations!
by seattleniceguy inmost of us are familiar with the watchtower bible and tract society's association with the un as an ngo.
this fact has been confirmed via correspondence with the un numerous times, notably in a letter received recently by one of our own members.
for details and photocopies, see here:.