I don`t know what you mean by "progressive", but my dead parents sometimes show up in my dreams still. My mother has been dead for 6 years, my father for 20 years. And all of a sudden, they pop up in dreams, in the weirdest, most surreal contexts. It`s not so uncommon, I think (and hope, lol).
JoinedPosts by Hellrider
Strange Progressive Dreams
by Casper ini have been widowed twice, once at 28 and again at 41.... .
since that time i had vivid dreams of both husbands.
my first husband, started out with me looking for him, everywhere.
JWs claim disfellowshipping is biblical!
by greendawn inregarding disfellowshipping the jws claim it is a policy necessary to keep their organisation spiritually and morally clean so that they won't lose the grace of the holy spirit and run further risks with dangerous influences.
they even say if the disfellowshipped want they can always repent and will be gladly reaccepted into communion with jw brotherhood so it's up to them to remove any anguishing shunning.
though this may appear to be a reasonable belief it is not quite as straight forward as it seems.
Paul reccomends/orders "disfellowshipping" on two occasions in his letters: The one in 1 Corinthians 5 (a man who is sleeping with his fathers wife), and the occasion in 1 Timothy, in which Paul states that he has expelled Hymeneaus and Alexander for heresies (regarding the ressurection). What the Jehovahs Witness doesn`t understand, is this: Paul was (supposedly) spirit-guided...as he was one of the men who wrote the Bible, the christian has to assume that he actually was spirit-guided. So, if Paul ordered an excommunication (at that time), we all have to assume that he was right to do so. But this does not mean that all and anyone who claims to be spirit-guided today, 2000 years later, actually are! And so, to avoid the trap of becoming a sinner oneself, one should exercise great caution in this principle of "disfellowshipping" and "shunning". Because the Bible also clearly states that "do not judge, so that you yourself also shall be..."etc. Also, the JWs doesn`t seem to understand that these texts of Paul are letters, written to these particular churches, at another time, and in another place, and their primary meaning must be seen in this context. Only by extension are they relevant today, and the gap in time, space and culture (2000 years...) must be of some significance, right?
I cant continue to live like this i really need help
by Tryin2FindAnewMe inok im trying desperatley just to be done with everything.
i'm so depressed because it feels as though i'm living my life wrong.
why cant i get from under the dark cloud, that keeps me down.
Tryin2 : Welcome!
You came to the right place! So many of us have gone thru similar experiences. You`re in a hard place now, but just know that there is a place for you too in this world, and that eventually, you will get to that place. Hang in there!
wow, what a response!
by Matt_fs ini simply asked a friend of mine to explain to me deut 20:20-22 and he wrote this:.
"its really quite simple what i think about deut.18:20-22. i don't.
the hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of christ's death.
"Its really quite simple what I think about Deut.18:20-22. I don't. The hebrew scriptures describing aspects of the original Law convenent ended when the new convenent came into place by means of Christ's death.
Your friend is mistaken. Read that passage carefully: Does this passage look like "Law" to you? Or should it look like "Law" to her? Is everything in the Torah "the Law"? Was the entire Torah considered "Law" by the first christians, and when they abolished "the Law", does that mean that nothing in the Torah was still considered valid? Read the passage in question carefully, and you will see that nothing in that passage is LAW! Not even the "do not listen to them"-part. It is simply a "recipe", a guide, or a help for the individual (or group) for distinguishing false prophets from true prophets. There is no hint of a "commandment" in that passage at all! It has nothing to do with the "Law" that the coming of Christ abolished, at all! But of course, it suits Jehovahs Witnesses just fine to dismiss it as such, considering their own history of setting dates, changing doctrines, etc. Tell your friend to read that passage again...
War on religion some day?
by Spirit Axal ini was just starting to think, they removed religion from schools and public areas and jobs.
whats next?
the removal of everyone who believes in god or some high power?
Nope. You can`t "ban" something which is a part of human nature. Unfortunately, religion is steaming ahead like never before. The communists knew how to deal with religious people (and royalty), but communism is dead. The jw-belief that "they" (whoever "they" are) would eventually "ban all religion" is, was, and always will be a completely bizarre aspect of their religion, and just goes to show how little they really understand about the world.
Ghosts and using God's name
by Quexinos inokay im just gonna ask my question because i'm curious.
i'm still not even sure if there are actual witnesses here or just people aruging with them (some people have too much free time) .
see lately i've been watching this show "a haunting" and a lot of the episodes are the same.
JWs believe this, yes. If you encounter a ghost, in the JW-view, you are in reality encountering one of Satans demons (always). And these demons are supposedly scared of Jehovahs, so just "call out to Jehovah", and they will run... I don`t know if anyone on the show "A haunting" (good show btw) ever tried this, but it might be an interesting experiment. If the ghost (demon) had replied by saying "yeah, so what", it might be a good argument against this belief of the JWs.
Rolf Furuli
by Alleymom inthe following message posted on the b-hebrew discussion list may be of interest to jwd members.. http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/b-hebrew/2007-march/031707.html.
Ah yes, Rolf Furuli. he makes me embarassed of being norwegian, and he`s an embarassment to the University in Oslo (I spent a year there myself). I don`t think his colleagues are to happy about him...and how he uses his degree to promote his religion. It`s embarassing to the institution as a whole.
What's your culinary specialty?
by pmouse inreading hortensia's topic "menu" made my mouth water.
i remember in the 70's (when we used to be able to have lots of jw social get-togethers like picnics and parties) some of the friends would bring pot-luck specialties that were to die for!.
everyone has a dish they consider their "specialty" which gets high praise and generally requests for the recipe.
Kôfte (turkish meatballs in sauce):
Meatballs: 500 grams of grinded meat, 3 eggs, smashed garlic, pepper, a spice called garam masale (two spoons), a little salt. Mix it all together, make little meatballs with a spoon and your hands. Fry on medium heat.
Sauce: A can of paprika-purè called "Ajvar". Use less than half the can (if its a big one, cause it has a bitter taste). Two cans of canned tomatoes. One desiliter water. Add sugar while you taste, the sweetness weighs up for the bitterness of the paprika. Stop when it`s just right.
Tastes great with rice and/ or fried potatoes.
Satan's Star (scan)
by AlphaOmega inhere is a scan from the 1978 edition of "my book of bible stories" !.
satan makes a star shine ?
It was just another scheme to make the JWs "special", and distanced from the rest of christianity ("christendom"..., lol). It`s in direct contradiction with the Bible, of course, but who needs the Bible anyway. The WTS sure doesn`t.
News case in Norway
by Hellrider inthere`s a controversial news case in norway right now.
in the last few weeks, there has been several rapes in the capitol, oslo (a serial rapist).
in that conjunction, a female artist went out live, on radio, and surprised everyone (including the radio host) by claiming that she had been attempted raped by two famous norwegians, one pop-musician and a movie maker (both of whom are friends of the royal family, lol).
Are the accused rapists or accuser JW or something?
No. I`m just curious about the principle of what she did. She used the media to stain the names of two celebrities that she claimed had attempted to rape her. I`m just curious about what people here think about that. It`s relevant to this board, because I sometimes see people talking about those things: Spreading information to the public about alleged abusers (whether or not they have been sentenced, etc). The principle of the issue is interesting (taking matters into ones own hands).