Touche' nailed it! Excellent advice.
Posts by Carol
How much control can I have over nephews and nieces?
by jwfacts inmy sister and cousin both have 1 year old children, and are both devoted jws.
i would like to help the children grow up to be normal, balanced people, but as the crazy uncle don't think i will have any say.
i am afraid that if i ever even raise religion with them i will be cut off from seeing them.
Describe yourself for a date....................(no crazy chicks)
by vitty in.
this got me thinking when i read ballistics topic about his internet dating.. now since i havent dated anyone for 28 years, i know its unbelieveable, cos im so young, but being married to the fella i met when i was sweet 16, i would really hate to start dating again .
anyway my question:: how would you describe yourself in a column of a newspaper or on the internet if you were looking for a date.
Middle aged, Rubenesque woman....raised to be, and is, a Lady in the Parlor, Cordon Blue Chef in the Kitchen and (Censored) in the Bedroom. Independent, self-sufficient, intelligent and witty... looking for a man that is honest, trustworthy, independent, self-sufficient, intelligent, witty and faithful.
Today was an interesting day!
by colorado5591 inmy wallet was stolen and that sucked real bad!
i went to work anyway, feeling so financially raped and downtrodden.
then.....what luck!
HELL YEAH! Glad your luck/blessings are turning around. Call the credit card company and see if they can't overnight you a new card, sometimes they will take pity on you! It's worth a try, then you'd be 3 for 3 (promotion, found wallet and hopefully new credit card when you need it!).
They're out to get me !!!!!!!
by JH in.
they're waiting for me to come out .
they look hungry too..... .
Funchback I thought the same thing!
How about threatening to bake them in a pie? Oh wait you have to have 4 and 20 right? Well you could bang a couple of pie pans together to scare them off!
IQ Test, Have you ever taken one ?
by oldflame inthere are many online iq test to take, i did one and zoomed through it without trying very hard and got a 128. whats yours ?
be honest
I scored in the High 130's using the written method, I've never taken one on-line.
My son scored 147 and my daughter 145....they were/are SLD (specific learning diability) students...go figure. They are also both left-handed.
I worked at NYU in the early '70's, in the Chemical Engineering Department....around a number of "geniuses" I'm talking 140+++ IQ's, these men could create bombs....give chemical and math equations to the nth degree.....however none of them could write a letter, transfer a call or place a conference call and god forbid they had to pick up their drycleaning, figure out a bus/train schedule or order their own airline tickets! They just couldn't do it...there's something to be said for "common sense".
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
Oh Mrs. Jones you got the latest snapshot I see! Thank you for sharing it!
Def'd I'm so glad you are so confident about how Jesus would judge you, or what he would say to you. If the rest of the world (JW's and Non) had this confidence and knowledge it would surely cure a lot of heartache!
Should I get Disfellowshipped? (sorry, it's excommunicated, now)
by Lilycurly inmy mother and i have been baptised, and we both faded.
without a try from anyone, elder or other to get us back.
the thing is, my father is still in.
Why stir up a hornets nest. Maybe, by example, you can show your father that both you and your mother are leading just as good and productive lives as "inactive" witnesses as you did as "active" witness, and in this way you will be able to show him where the "organization's" teachings are wrong. Why put him through the pain of possibly having to make a choice between his blood and the "organization" and why give the "organization" the last laugh!
I didn't think the term disfellowshipped was still being used, let alone excommunicated (that is soooooo Catholic), I thought it was just announced that "______ _______ is no longer a Jehovah's Witness"
by horrible life ini'm scared!!!!
new digital camera for vacation.
first time ever i got a cd.
OMG I've never laughed so hard in my life....that picture is priceless!
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
Sorry Ozzie I missed that post...thank you for the clarification........maybe you know the answers to the other ???? because I'm sure a snowflake has a better chance in he## than I or anyone else does of getting answers to and ???? we ask!
defd, Re: Leaving JW's and reading the Bible daily
by DazedAndConfused inthe other day you created a thread with this question: .
does anyone who left jehovahs organization, still read the bible daily?
honestly do you?
Has Def'd ever answered the question as to why he was DF'd? I know several people have asked but as usual the subject is ignored.
Congratulations DnC on getting an answer and I loved everyone elses comments.
Def'd it seems whenever the questions and/or answers get to much for you to handle you don't reply or in this case...go home? Are you by any chance using your employer's computer? Is this within company policy? Do you have permission? If your congregation were to find out you frequent this "Apostate" site (and frequent is an understatement) how would this affect your chances of reinstatement or would it cause you to be DF'd if you're not already? If Jesus were to come to earth now, how would he judge you or feel about you going online, frequenting this site and...stealing time from your employer to do it?
An Inquiring mind would like to know......
P.S. Do you count the time?