"Which email address should we send our short sentences and names to?
Posts by arwen
Was Being A Witness, All THAT Bad???
by minimus ini mean, you could've been made to be an islamic fundamentalist or something, right?
Yes, it was bad. It destroyed my life and the lives of two of my children to a certain extent. The man made rules that MUST be followed devastes peoples' lives and the guilt put upon us were so merciless. I kept saying,"Where is the love" and they would say.. Wait on Jehovah.....I saw so many lives ruined and so many people hurt and still hurting. It was ALL THAT BAD!
Taking a trip with my JW friend......Suggestions????
by whyizit inmy friend has been a jw study for 9 yrs., not baptized yet.
but believes it all, as far as i know.
we rarely get to spend any one-on-one time, but we are going on an over-night trip this weekend.
Have a great time on your trip. I would suggest you tell her that you heard about this UN/WBTS fiasco and although you don't believe it maybe she could find out about it from her study conductor. Tell her someone sent you an email with the UN website letter on it and it looks so real that you are really wondering. This little seed might help her to find out the truth about the religion she is embracing. This is what did it for me. Just keep it light.
jw videos
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok well we're doing some cleaning and i came across a stack of videos:.
noah: he walked with god.
respect jehovah's authority.
Would you really want to share that stuff with other?
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inhttp://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/24752.ashx.
this is one cool (and hot) chick, y'all.
give her a warm welcome.. luv ya, boddhi, xxoo, gg/bg.
A very warm welcome to the board. Hope we hear lots from you..
My little brother just joined the forum...
by monkeyshine ini just thought i'd welcome him in with his own thread.
Welcome to the board. It is a great place to visit and become a part of.
For those who like "Astronomy"
by JH inhave a look at this site.
they have wondeful pictures of the earth,the moon, the galaxy.
you can also make a specific search.
Thanks for the link JH. Looking at those pictures made me pause and reflect on how minute we are in the scheme of things. I also sent the link to my son who is extremely interested in astronomy.
Someone did the 70's, lets do the 80's.
by restrangled inhere is what i remember:.
huey lewis and the news, madona, dire straights, "brothers in arms" !
i remember selling the first exciting computer called the commodor 64.. there was space invaders, vhs movies became a big deal such as "on golden pond" beta reared its head but never took off.. my husband and i worked for a company selling these players/machines and renting movies in chicago.
Married my soulmate!! My dear father passes away a month after my wedding. Lionel Richtie's song played at our wedding. My life changed in a big way that year. Worked hard to get pregnant and finally did in December..heh
Which biblical names do you find cool?
by JH inwhich biblical names do you like, and maybe you'd name your child that way?.
i like this one: bathsheba.
oh, here are a few to choose from .
my son's middle name is Joel and I love the name Elizabeth.
Whats your worst household chore.........?
by vitty in......................mine has got to be the weekly grocery shop....................oh how i dread and hate it.
i used to think it was the ironing but id rather do a ton of ironing if i didnt have to shop.. its so boring, same food week in week out.................loading it onto the conveyer belt, packing it putting it in the car.........taking it out of the car...........putting it into cupboards then saying " what shall i cook for dinner?
" but by then i just can face the food.. so whats yours?, mowing the lawn and cleaning the car are included .
I hate dishes... I detest cleaning the bathroom....I love vacuuming and don't mind laundry or grocery shopping. I wish Brooke lived near me.....