I will say this: I went out with a girl about a year and a half ago who said the same thing. However she didn't mean we would never talk again. Simply I was moving too fast. I realized that I still had some dub think about marriage which may have been coloring MY vision.
JoinedPosts by truthsetsonefree
My Monday date
by Newborn infor those of you who remembered that i had a date mon this week.
it was fantastic!
we both fell a bit in love with each other and saw each other on tue night again.
JW Attorney Hayden Covington 1978 Interview on my website
by AndersonsInfo inin 1978, jerry murray, a jw elder, interviewed hayden covington, the watch tower attorney who had a prominent role in legal matters for the watch tower society before the u.s. supreme court.
for those who have never heard this interview before,the murray interview is seventy-five minutes long and now can be found on my website, www.watchtowerdocuments.com.
scroll down to the year, 1978. .
Wow, you've put a lot of stuff here since my last visit. Nice.
Jehovah's Jihadist Witnesses
by Farkel ini don't see much of a difference between islamic jihadists and watchtower jihadists.. .
islamic jihadists think only they have the truth.. watchtower jihadists think only they have the truth.. islamic jihadists want to kill everyone who disagrees with their beliefs.. watchtower jihadists want god to kill everyone who disagrees with their beliefs.. any questioning of islamic jihadists' beliefs will result in death.. any questioning of watchtower jihadists' beliefs will result in death.. islamic jihadists have no problem with innocent babies and children being brutally murdered for their cause.. watchtower jihadists have no problem with innocent babies and children being brutally murdered for their cause.. islamic jihadists have wacky beliefs like those who die for their cause will be rewarded with 72 virgin women in paradise.. watchtower jihadists have wacky beliefs like those who die for their cause won't even be allowed to have sex or marry in paradise.. islamic jihadists' main cause is to have a world government administered by them.. watchtower jihadists' main cause is to have a world government administered by them.. islamic jihadists think women are chattel.. watchtower jihadists think women are chattel.. islamic jihadists sincerely believe they are engaged in a holy war.. watchtower jihadists sincerely believe they are engaged in a holy war.. when there is a dispute between an islamic jihadist and his wife, the man is always right.. when there is a dispute between a watchtower jihadist and his wife, the man is always right.. islamic jihadists hide out in caves.. watchtower jihadists hide out in kingdom halls, which aren't that much different from caves.. islamic jihadists use weapons of mass destruction.. watchtower jihadists use books of mass destruction.. islamic jihadists are always suspicious of each other.. watchtower jihadists are always suspicious of each other.. islamic jihadists have no regard for other's lives.. watchtower jihadists have no regard for other's lives.. islamic jihadists claim to belong to a religion of peace.. watchtower jihadists claim to belong to a religion of peace.. islamic jihadists instantly commit suicide by blowing themselves up.. watchtower jihadists slowly commit suicide by wasting their lives selling worthless books.. islamic jihadists punish their members by chopping off their hands.. watchtower jihadists punish their members by chopping off their families and friends.. you can't reason with an islamic jihadist.
his mind is made up.. you can't reason with a watchtower jihadist.
Absolutely, been saying this for years. JWs only avoid being called terrorists because they don't use "carnal" weapons. Brilliant strategy of 'da Judge'.
Isaac Carmignani
Can a person be a Christian and a scientologist?
by truthlover inlooking at their web site, it seems they rely completely on mankind to solve problems, yet their message is so close to the scriptures, it makes me wonder ---if, once you have your life in order- the scientology way, mankind should resolve all their problems since they believe all are equal, etc.. they dont seem to believe in god or in satan, but that the world is in a mess because men dont work together to better themselves.. any comments??.
theirs seem to be a perfect life, and have professionals in place to help relieve anyone of any baggage they carry from early life, ie -abuse, be it physical, emotional or religious..... .
Interesting related blog on CNN: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2009/01/07/scientology-and-travolta/
Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years--Gen. 6:3
by Bonnie_Clyde ini was cleaning off a book shelf and saw a copy of examining the scriptures daily for 2005. was about to throw it away, but opened it, and this is what popped up for 6-11.... i remember discussing this about 5 years ago on the forum after the wt article of 12/15/03, but it still amazes me.
it's obvious that the society was hinting that the end would have to come by 2034, 120 years from 1914... "only 120 years more and jehovah would bring "the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.
" (gen. 6:17) when noah was informed, he wisely used the time to prepare for survival.
Typical GB double talk. Often these kinds of statements lead to JWs speculating. Then when it blows the GB always says: "We told you not to speculate", never acknowledging that they started the whole thing to begin with.
Isaac Carmignani
A truly creepy 2007 public talk by Ciro Aulicino - You Will Be With Me in Paradise
by Tatiana ini searched for this here and didn't find any posts about it.
i just found this while searching for info as i was debating a jw on another site.
this is the most mind-blowing, spaced-out, insane bunch of mess i've ever heard.
Talk about proof of how the WT really tells its people to feel about people in general. Ciro was pitched as a representative of WT. I heard this talk (without the generation comment of course) perhaps 30 years ago. Its one of his favorites.
Isaac Carmignani
no more bible study slip reports. WHY?
by wannaexit ini apologize if this has been discusses before.
a few months ago publishers were told not to hand in individual study reports for bible studies.
remember, we had to hand in a separate report for each bible study with name and address of bible student.
If this happened I never knew. But I know many in my congo never turned them in. It was hard enoiugh getting the regular report in on time. The BS reports were supposed to go from the secretary back to the CBSO. He would then be able to help his group by going with them on their Bible Studies. To my knowledge it never happened in my hall.
Spanish Cong. In NC
by Decided inhas anyone noticed how many spanish kingdom halls there are in nc?
most are shared by the english speaking congregations.
of course there are other spanish churches also.
Well it has always been part of WT's mission to reach out to people of different languages. That they probably get high marks in.
Theists who have no issues with biological evolution - lame or not?
by nicolaou ina poster recently described himself that way and it got me thinking as to just how strange that position is.
for the theist it's a convenient win/win situation, hold onto your belief in god while attempting to cloak yourself in science's robes of rationality and reason.
i think believers who hold this precarious opinion need calling on it.. for now i'll just say that this mongrelization of views is, to me, deeeply unsatisfying.
I don't really think it's lame, it's basically accepting that evolution is correct because of the overwhelming evidence but not accepting there is no reason for first cause. No matter what Science cannot trace the first cause, they can trace back to the beginning to show how something happened, but not why.
This is what I starting thinking as a JW. If God is all powerful then he can do what he wants right? Now that I feel more free to think what I want I've just suspended judgment on the whole God issue as there seems to be circumstantial evidence for both positions.
Did YOU Really Care about "The Friends"?
by minimus inhonestly, did you really care about everyone in your hall?.
everyone gripes about how the majority of elders never cared but were you one who regularly showed how much you cared for the "brothers and sisters"?
i'll bet we all share some guilt in this.
As an elder and "shepherd" I know I did. Still do in fact. And I still communicate with three who are inactive or df'd. Hopefully more will communicate in the future though I won't get my hopes up.