"Why God refuses to interfere," is an assumption. For all we know he "interferes" frequently. It's just that we do not understand or see the why's and where's of it. Do children always understand why their parents many times don't give them what they want? Don't parents allow their child to suffer sometimes whether it's making them finish their homework all on their own, forcing them to get braces for their teeth, allowing the consequences of their bad behavior in school to come down on them, to even deciding whether or not a dying son or daughter should be put through another chemo therapy....why do we do it? Are most parents just mean and don't understand the hardships of childhood and the teen years? Why do we, from their point of view, make it hard for them? Why can't we just make them happy they ask? Do the homework for them, no braces, stick up for them when their caught cheating or bullying in school, allow association with anyone etc.
Parents know "why" but our kids don't always understand or even want to understand. Sometimes all they see at the moment is that Dad and Mom are making their life miserable. They just don't understand at that moment that Mom and Dad do it because we love them and we are looking out for their long term interests not just for that one day or year in their life. They also don't always understand how hard it is to love your kids and say, "no" to something they want so dearly.
On the other hand, as parents we often do things for our children they are not aware of or are too young to understand. Maybe a parent is sacrificing themselves to save for their child's college education or gives up something they need in order to get that computer for school or meets with the child's teacher to discuss how best to help their child etc., there's a myriad of things a parent does during their lifetime to help their children behind the scenes, things their children never really fully appreciate until they themselves raise a child to adulthood.
God is a parent. Just because we don't always understand why bad things happen does not in itself mean he does not care. God is raising mankind to adulthood he allows us to take our own steps and to fall down when we go the wrong way and yes, like the rest of creation he also allows us to die. Maybe in the end, mankind's history will be that college education God was saving for us. Maybe some day we will all understand.