JoinedTopics Started by chezza
Broken family
by Phil ini have a question.
i know of a couple that were both jws and the husband was dissatisfied with the organization and wanted out.
is it possible for a marriage like this to function?
Pick-up lines
by SpunkyChick infunny article on msn...
"what's your sign?".
the epitome of cheese, this line, which has been around since the beatles came to america, ranks as the very worst line in dating history.
Watchtower & Sex
by JH indo you think that witnesses in general have a good sex life?
with all the pressure they have to produce and assist meetings, they have less time left on their hands for other things, like sex.
asked to be spiritual, reading the bible, talking about god and angels, takes their mind off sex.
What is up w/my mom?
by flower ini really hate jw hypocrisy.
i love my mom but i am sick and tired of the hypocrisy from her and my family.
last summer on august 10th a day before my sons 3rd birthday i recieved package from my jw family wrapped in cute gift paper.
Age Barometer-Do you remember?
by Trotafox inran into this website funny and boy did it bring back memories (unfortunately...i scored 21...older than dirt!
ok everyone...take the test and fess up!
My pickup lines never worked
by LB ini guess it's good i'm married.
i wasn't all that great at picking up girls.
here are some of my old lines... didn't i just meet you on the bus??.
JWs and the Amish
by Silverleaf inthis morning's paper had an article on the amish [nothing in depth, just about how they sell their wares at local markets] but it brought to mind the ideas of the amish - they want no part of the world, they don't like to call attention to themselves, don't baptize little children, and they shun those who leave the faith.
i was just wondering if anyone here could shed some light on how jws view the amish.
are they impressed?
Ever lie on your service reports?
by The_Bad_Seed in*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
Appeal Letter 7-29-02
by silentlambs indraffenville congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
judicial committee elders of:.
murray congregation of jehovahs witnesses.