JoinedTopics Started by chezza
I'm getting married!
by chezza inwoohoo, he did it, he proposed, omg the wedding is in a month, help!!!!!!!!!!
what do i wear, how do i do my hair, this is my second marriage and we are doing it at the registry office, what do you think girls?
evening dress?
by chezza insince we have people from all over the world in here what was the opinion on sisters wearing trousers to the meetings and in field service, in the cong i used to go to it was frowned upon very heavily, although we could find no scriptual basis for it, was anyone allowed to wear them?
Jehovahs spirit on decision to disfellowship
by chezza inhi all i was thinking about this the other day and how the elders say that they have gods direction when they have judicial meetings, if that is the case and gods spirit is directing their decision then why do they have the allowance for an appeal, after all if god is supposed to be directing them there would be no mistake in the decision right?
any thoughts people?
Thank you simon
by chezza inhi simon, firstly i would like to say thank you for allowing us to post on here, its been a real eye opener for me to see that there are other people out in the world like me, that we are not the freaks after all, when i first got disfellowshipped i thought it was a terrible thing, that i was leaving the truth, now, after spending around a month on here i can see i never was in the truth, so thank you for letting me see that.. also can i say its refreshing to see someone admit when they make a mistake, like you did in the thread by sf, thank you for not being too proud to listen.
One day your gonna get caught
by chezza injust thought it would be fun to see all the ways people have been caught in the middle of something, i recently was so embarrassed as i travelled to canada to visit my boyfriend, after we went to the movies we got rather heated in the car shall we say, mind you the car was packed away from all other cars, needless to say as soon as we got our pants down and started to get into motion ;-) a light shone through the window of the car, and guess what, a nice security guard was standing there, i was so embarrassed, he told us we shouldnt be doing that here, what made it even more embarrassing was the fact that we were both over 30 years old and i never ever got caught in the act when i was a teenager, oh wait thats coz i was a dub and didnt have a life.. so come on guys and girls give us all a laugh and tell us your story.
Fornication Vs Divorce
by chezza inhi all,.
i was reading another post earlier about wether or not to let your children bf gf sleep over and brought something to mind that i have given a great deal of thought too.
we all know very well the stand the witnesses take on no sex before marriage, and i wonder how many marriages have ended up in divorce because of this.. how many young ones rush into marriage without really considering the commitment they are taking simply because they want to have sex, i am not saying this is always the case but we all know how strong hormones can be, and given the standpoint on divorce in the organization i wonder if given the chance to have sex before marriage wether or not this would lesson the divorce rate which i might add before i left the dubs was rising even in the organization.
Just a thought
by chezza inhas anyone given any thought to the fact that jw's are supposed to be a loving organization and yet they are probably the biggest gossipers around, time and time again there were talks given on not gossiping and how the tongue such a little member can cause huge bush fires, i personally know of many that were stumbled away because of gossip that was untrue, any thoughts on this guys.
whats the funniest thing youve said to the co
by chezza inim sure we all remember how nervous we were around the circuit overseer and how careful we were with our words, i recall one day being out in service with the co's wife and my daughter said to her my dad calls me his mamoo which in greek meant monkey and the co's wife says how cute,and then my daughter says and i call him my little farting machine, omg i called have fallen through the ground, needless to say the circuit overseers wife was not amused, so what funny things have we all said or heard said?
Shunning Family Members
by chezza injust wondering if anyone has a similar experience like me, i had to shun certain family members because of their being disfellowshipped and we all know how hard it was, even though we thought we had gods blessing, when i myself was disfellowshipped for confessing my wrongdoing to the elders i felt like i was all alone with no-one to turn to, and interestingly the very family members i had shunned were the first to offer me help, i didnt approach them when i was d/f coz i felt guilty after shunning them but they got in contact with me and helped me through a really dificult emotional time, and the intersting thing here is that gods people are supposed to be forgiving as he is and yet they wouldnt forgive me but my family who were "no longer believers" did, anyone else have a similar story?