Every tine you decide to leave us something major happens.I wonder what is gonna happen this time?
Maybe you should just stay. Please.
I really understand ,sometimes we need to take a break so I hope to see you back sometime.
i had resolved in my mind to leave the world of witnesses and former witnesses behind.
then september 11th happened, and this community was a wonderful support.
then the un fiasco happened, and i was amused.
Every tine you decide to leave us something major happens.I wonder what is gonna happen this time?
Maybe you should just stay. Please.
I really understand ,sometimes we need to take a break so I hope to see you back sometime.
has anyone ever seen a statement in one the wts publications saying that a limited nuclear exchange could start the great tribulation?
i seem to remember that from my childhood days at the book study.
I don't remember them saying that it could start the GT but that limited use nuclear power was possible during that time.I may be wrong.I suppose they could have hinted that nuclear use could be a trigger.
I just remember that they explained that there was no need for undue fear because we know any use of nuclear devices would be limited according to scriptures such as the ones that say the earth stands forever....God is ruining those ruining the earth ect.....
No matter what they said they were using fear disgused as comfort to control us.
my mother called me again to talk about dateline and the fall out at the cong.
she said the elder (or guy giving the talk-i am not sure if it was book study or a meeting) read a letter from the society saying: .
"it is all apostates who are doing this".
Thanks for sharing this. It's nice to see someone's mom is thnking.
your mom said the elder said
that you cannot believe these claims...there were not two witnessesIn the letter that was read the WT holds to the two witness policy.
alanf seem to suffer from ego centricity disorder.
people in thisn place have patted him on back too much it went to his head.
he think that cause he can shuffle a few figures and write terrible papers on evolution book that he ok. he needs humble self and quit taking praise from people.
Sounds like someone is just jealous of Alan.
i posted earlier today that mom thought the show was well done but she thought they made some "cheap shots" too.
tonight, after dinner, i asked her what she thought were the cheap shots.
i could tell she had trouble remembering, but said this: "i am sure there are some cases of molestation, like the ones they discussed on the show, that were handled badly, but there are so many that are handled in the right way.
We have got to be siblings seperated at birth or my mom has a twin.
I couls see those same words coming from my moms mouth.
With my mom it all boils down to selfishness.Claiming to be upset for Gods people but really just thinking about herself.
what would you think if you discovered that a local elder had a warrant for his arrest?
Well there seems to be two options.
#1 Turn his ass in!
#2 assume that since he is a JW he must really be a good person so just pretend you don't know about it.
I vote for #1 if it is for murder, child abuse ,rape, theft or any other serious crime.
If it is parking tickets then forget it.
hi, i'm new....and i am searching for a place to call home..... i was raised in a strict catholic family....sexually abused by a jesuit priest....left the church....married....was baptized a witness in 1975...regular pioneered for about 5 and a half years (1988 to 1994)...quit that...diagnosed depressed....have slowly drifted away....and now...with the news of what is happening within the organization and offenders and pedophiles....i find that i can't stay in the organization....i can't be a part of something that so closely resembles the catholic church and all their deceptiveness.... i have no "home"...... thanks for listening....
Welcome , We are so glad you are here.Look forward to getting to know you.
well ok, "shunned" is really sister number 2, but peachypoof is sister number one, and the second of my sister to join the board.. she is about 18 months younger than me, and today joined us on the board.. i know when i was talking to her online, i was kinda choked up, that she was signing up with us here.
these are moments that this brother, the real brother of these two sisters of mine will never forget!.
welcome peachypoof, and may your stay here be as long as mine.
Welcome Shunned and Peachypoof!Glad to have you both here.Look forward to getting to know you.
I am so glad you have one another.
please post what the jdubs think of the dateline show.. www.purelanguage.net
I shouldn't have read all those JW comments they were not upbuilding.
They only tore down.
My conscience is bothering me now, I mean, they even spread rumors and lies(Ray Franz) to scare people away from the show!
I must be stronger next time. I think I'll pray now or read my horoscope.
It's scary how easy it is to fall back into JW thinking!
did anyone else have the bile come up, when you heard those "kingdom songs" during the dateline show?
it made me feel ill.........and almost like leaving the room.
i wonder why i have such an aversion to anything connected to a kh meeting?
This is so interesting,us all remembering how the KH music in Dateline made us feel.
I'll never forget it.It caught me off guard,I did not expect it, and it felt erie or creepy to me.I didn't want to go where it was taking me in my mind.Thankfully it didn't last long.Strange!