One thing is for sure......Anthony Morris III was not in agreement with any of these things and got booted for it. His hiding is not for his protection. Its for the protection of the remaining GB.
JoinedPosts by MrTheocratic
They must also change the treatment of those who dissociate themselves from the JWs. It is inevitable
by LaFrancia infrom reddit ex jw, a user posted this material of a hypothetical new light on dissociated people......i'm posting it only for the record, nothing else is known.
it seems that the topic has been deleted either by the moderators or by the user himself.
understanding dissociation in light of the scriptures.
Where is Tony?
by Athanasius inon february 22, 2023, anthony morris iii was officially removed from the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
a few months later it was revealed that the watchtower bought him a house in lumberton, north carolina.. however, and correct me if i am wrong, since leaving the gb nobody has reported seeing tony attending jw meetings or participating in field service.
in fact nobody has reported seeing him anywhere, not even at a local liquor store.
3 things we can say for sure:
1- There is a very serious reason why they are hiding him. People don't go into hiding for no reason.
2- He and his wife are willing participants.
3- His departure from the GB was for a dishonorable reason. The GB has made a delibrate public display of distancing themselves from him. They have practically erased / canceled him.
Children dumped at ministry group
by Mikejw init’s not right for children to be forced to come to ministry groups on their own without their parents.
the parents just expect others to look after them.. we have this happening at our group all the time.
early teens and even younger.. the parents just want them out of the house for a bit and put the burden on others to look after them and get them home safely.. there should be an announcement or something that youths need to be accompanied by a responsible adult and not just dumped at the group on their own.. who is supposed to look after them?.
This also applies to studying with other peoples children. Not a good idea. Hindsight is 20/20. We did it all the time. Now I see the risk i was taking.
GB Update #2, March 2024: Women allowed to wear pants, no ties/coats required if not giving a talk, & now able to greet DF ones in the KH!
by WingCommander inyou heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
I think some on this thread are to optimistic. The average Jdub is not going anywhere. These people are so brainwashed that if the GB came out and said "they have been lying all along, and they are sorry for the pain they have caused", these people would still follow.
One Elder, serving for 40 years told me today " The organization is preparing us for the great tribulation. When the Government comes looking for us they now will not be able to tell who the Jdubs are because now they will blend in with the world. This is Jehovahs way of protecting us".
In my mind I thought " What the F#$!
GB Doesnt Believe in 1914 Anymore My reasoning
by thedepressedsoul ini have heard a lot of talk over the last year or so if the gb will eventually ditch 1914 and some have even made the claim that most, if not all of the gb do not believe in 1914. ive given this some thought and in the past i wasnt sure.
this annual meeting puts 100%, without a doubt in my mind that the gb do not believe in 1914. id even go as far to say that they talked about that date and have a game plan in mind.. here is why i feel this way:.
there were a lot of changes with the parables at this annual meeting.
The opening post is correct. The current GB does not believe in 1914. All the current updates in understanding prove it. What we are Witnessing is a slow build to a 180 degree change in direction for the organization.
I believe we finally know what happened to Morris. He was not in agreement with all these changes. He most likely expressed strong opinions about it and had to be removed. The fact that he is in hiding makes that theory more believable.
In about 5 years 1914 will be the new 1975.
Does anyone remember Bryan Bush – CO in western PA back in the late 1980’s?
by My Name is of No Consequence inhe was the first co that i remember growing up.
what ever happened to him?.
I was with him about 2 weeks ago. Ruth and he are doing ok. He often talks about his time in P.A. with found memories.
How was he as C.O???
Real reason why Russian government is trying to ban JW's
by LevelThePlayingField in
I understand what the video is trying to imply. But it should be noted if the Russian definition for extremism is simply believing that your religion is the right religion then all religions should be banned. I garrentee that if you were to do a survey of the Russian people asking them if they believe their religion is the right way, most would say Yes.
Also the Bible teaches exclusivity (Ephesians 4: 4-6). So according to this extremism law, now even the Bible should be banned.
I understand that the creator of this video must hate JW's. But this issue is not a JW issue's a human rights issue. The right to believe whatever you wish, so as long as you don't impede on the freedom of others.
Observations From an Ex-Elder Part 3 - Searching for the Lost Sheep
by doubtfull1799 in"what man among you with 100 sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the 99 behind in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it?
" - luke 15:4. disclaimer: by posting the following observations i am not complaining.
i am happy to be left alone.
This thread in itself gives us the single biggest reason why this organization is in peril. THERE IS NO LOVE AMONG THEMSELVES. IT'S ALL A FACADE. If there were true love like what is described in the Bible then these examples would be the exemption. But the truth is its the norm. The organization as a whole is canabalistic
Theme of this year's series of Conventions
by MrTheocratic init was announced this week that the theme for the 3 day convention is "do not give up".
these are the words that are spoken to someone who is struggling and is in the process of giving up.
this theme tells me that many in the organization are tiring out and slowing down.
It was announced this week that the Theme for the 3 day convention is "Do Not Give Up".
These are the words that are spoken to someone who is struggling and is in the process of giving up. This theme tells me that many in the organization are tiring out and slowing down. I certainly see it locally....but this theme tells me it's not just local.
If the world was Sooo bad and the organization was sooooo good why the exorortation not to give up? Would Noah have to tell his fellow shipmates to not give up as they listen to the commotion outside the Ark? Evidently things are getting tough within the org and some are leaving.
Has the rebranding worked?
by MrTheocratic init's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
It's been several years since the start of the rebranding of Jehovahs Witnesses. I believe it started with the website change. Ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction. In my opinion it is an attempt to paint the Titanic as it sinks.
Though you have some who brag about and various video presentations at meetings and assembly's , I do not see the enthusiasm that was present in the late 80s early 90's. Maybe it's just my part of the world ( north east USA). But even friends I talk to from other areas have observed the same thing. Most go to meetings out of obligation and guilt, not because they want to be there. The congregations are full of problems, mostly caused by those who are supposed to be taking the lead. The pioneers are no source of encouragement but rather deter others from following their course because they serve with no joy. Come to think of it no one has joy when you look around at those inside the kingdom hall. One brother when visiting my hall said it was like a funeral.
What do you guys think and see? Has the rebranding been a success or bust?