it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast,
Not very educated, in my opinion.
A demon under every rock....
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast,
Not very educated, in my opinion.
A demon under every rock....
for the life of me, i cannot work this one out.
it disturbed me when i was a jw and it now just makes me plain angry.. here are some comments from ministerial servants & elders on this subject, which i heard when i was in:.
"you know, a while ago, people used to object to the idea of children dying at armageddon but nowadays there is a spirit in kids (massive generalisation), which just seems to make them fit for destruction.
Don't forget mentally disabled people, people in comas, and the elderly. They all deserve to die, right?
every baby born seems to have a giant helping of fairy stories, talking animals, outrageous exaggerations parading as "fact" and an endless stream of cartoons, science fiction and make-believe.
the laws of nature and physics are violated every few seconds in film and tv!
is it surprising that children are not only ignorant of how things really work-but, they don't have patience and an appetite for fact when they get to the schoolroom.
I had an incredibly active imagination when I was a kid. I constructed and lived in my own fantasy worlds when I was alone. At the same time, I knew full well it was all a fantasy. I don't think encouraging a child to use their imagination is a bad thing. I think it is bad when fantasy is presented as reality, such as religion, santa claus, or virtuous politicians :P
I agree with you that kids spend way too much time today playing games, watching TV, etc. These activities don't really involve any amount of critical thinking and I think the time is spent at the expense of important activities in life. I don't have any kids yet, but when I do have them, they won't be watching TV (much) and they won't be playing many video games. Kids are meant to play, and mine will certainly learn to love reading.
i feel very offended and distrurbed when i see people covered with tatoos.
some people have tatoos all over their bodies, even on their faces.
there are also tatoo programs on the tlc channel that children can watch without a forewarning before the show comes on.
I have two tattoos. Neither is visible when I'm clothed, but I have no problem with them in general. In Michigan it is illegal to tattoo a minor without parental consent.
As for folks covered in tattoos, it isn't my thing, but heck, live and let live. Why would that offend you?
what more confusing and off the wall book in the bible, can there be, then the book of revelation.
it has all sort of odd things being talked about, all sorts of weird events that seem to only be connected when you twist the mind to the maximum of your imagination.
so many people, in religions, have tried to explain this off the wall book and yet refuse to face the fact that it might just be complete imagination of nonsense.
I don't think most people realize today what daily life was like 2000 years ago. Food wasn't nearly as easy to come by, health care didn't exist, and conditions were squalid. If you'll notice, most "prophecies" in the bible stem from someone fasting or under extreme mental anguish. I bet most of the biblical writers who were having "supernatural" experiences were most likely just hallucinating - as I'm sure is the case with John and Revelation.
i was at a buffet restaurant on saturday for lunch and noticed a boy around 10 years old at the ice cream sundae bar- he had a suit on- .
i was curious as to where jw's take their breaks today and what times they stop for one.
i am on paid leave from work and would like to look for more opportunities to talk to them..
Just a word of caution here -- Are there any legal or ethical repercussions from speaking to underage children about subjects their parents would disapprove? While I would not hesitate to talk to anyone over 18 about this subject, I would be very reluctant to talk to a 10-year-old. At that age, even if you could convince them of your point of view, what can a small child do about it? You'd be accomplishing little but creating confusion and conflict in someone who doesn't know how to handle it yet.
Very often posters here complain bitterly about times when an JW divorced spouse and in-laws attempt to force their child into rejecting the exJW parent, and we all roundly condemn it. I think the same principle applies here as well. When it comes to small children, my advice would be to talk to the parents, not the child.
I don't think that encouraging children to use their critical thinking skills is illegal nor unethical.
i had sent dale a copy of my da letter, and a personal one.
i showed only kindness, though disgust with the organizations' moral bankruptcy and doctrinal miscues.
yet the robotic mind sees all things in a twisted light of god/organization.
You have made a deadly mistake, at a very unfortunate place in the stream of time.
Lol... sounds like a Darth Vader quote or something.
i am currently an agnostic, i am suffering from depression because i cant seem to know or realize if this "jehovah's witness religion" is really true..i mean what is so true about it.
im only 17 years old and i feel that i need to find my religion.
right now im currently dating a wiccan.
What Is Wrong With the Religion "Wicca"?Another false religion, like all the rest.
hi.. after lurking for a number of months i have decided to join in and hopefully connect with a few people who will know what it has been like to grow up as me.
i left the truth a number of years ago for two reasons, one of which was my sexuality, which i knew to be unacceptable to my brothers and sisters.
since then i have alone in my isolation, hopefully through this site i can rectify that.
Ben - I'm gay but was never a JW. I can't really relate to what it's like to grow up in the unTruth, but I can relate to growing up gay. If you ever want to chat, let me know.
i get a phone call last friday telling me there was a note pinned to the door of my old house (deserted and up for sale) saying to contact this person asap because i am an heir to something or other.. eventually, i get around to it this morning; i make the call.. it seems xto energy corporation is looking for me because i'm an heir to my great grandmother's mineral rights to a 4 acre strip of land in burleson texas.
the land is wanted for drilling purposes by the oil and gas drilling exploration team.. i met with the agent this morning.
he showed me my great grandmother's obituary and his copy of the family tree.
Don't sign anything without running it by a real estate attorney. Maybe check to see if there are any attorneys in the area that specialize in those kind of mineral rights too.
Edit: Additional thoughts - something doesn't seem right here. Do you have a deed to the property? Just because you are an heir doesn't mean you are the one to pay for the drilling rights. It sounds like there are other living relatives who might have an equal or superior claim to the inheritance. I would do more due diligence on this first if I were in your shoes.