Cheap wine and a 3 day growth by Cold Chisel!!! nah seriously, i want, as my Union Jack draped coffin is wheeled down to the front, The Lark Ascending by Vaughn Williams, and as i get cremated i want the theme from M.A.S.H. to be played. Then I want my ashes loaded up into a big firework and at my wake, i want as i ascend into the starry night to a conclusion of colourful explosion, Higher by Van Halen! Man, i might have to fake my own death, i reckon i'd have a great send off!
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
Have you picked a funeral song????
by Es in.
i know this is a gloomy topic but have any of you picked a song that you would liked played at your funeral.. i want james blunts new song "goodbye my lover" i heard it for the first time yesterday and cried never had that happend before.
I am not alone!!!!!
by Krisiva10 init took me a bit of reading through some posts to realize that this site is exactly what i have been looking for, for such a long time!!
people to share my blown away realization i experienced after i quit going to the meetings and went against my mother!
it feels great to see people who have gone through and felt the same as i and who have taken the steps to change their life.
way to go Idaho! Great to have another survivor on board! If karma is anything to go by, that elders daughter will get whats coming to her, oh yes! Keep posting!
The story of my life (part 5- Bethel, the first shock)
by onacruse inabout 2 months after i arrived at bethel (late spring), i took my place at the breakfast table...awakened, as usual, by the 6 a.m. bell, a quick shower, and arriving with great anticipation for the 7 a.m. daily comments, with a few words from the "head of the table" (usually knorr, but they had recently started a weekly "cycling" of governing body members; part of the impending organizational elders restructuring).
the norm was to start eating at 7:30 a.m. (read "scoop the bowl and wolf it down"), and on the clock by 8 a.m.. but, on this day, something completely beyond my anticipation.
knorr starts off by saying that we should be prepared to sit for a while, as he proceeds, for 3 hours, to outline how a homosexuality "ring" has been operating at bethel for some time, including some gileadites.
this is GOLD!!! its like a serial show, "tune in next week, for the Franz Files" it doesnt suprise me about the boys being a bit, ahem, nice, all thrown together, long way from home! Good on them I say, probably still goes on to this day, in fact the rabid denials only confirm it!
Are you a "here I am" or a "there you are"?
by Mulan ina friend of mine read a book about 30 years ago, that said people are basically categorized into two main types.
here's how you define yourself:.
when you walk into a room full of people, do you think to yourself "here i am" or do you say "there you are".. i am definitely a "there you are".
I would say I am a "i'm here, now wheres the bar?" kind of dude.
I feel comfortable with myself finally, and when i enter a room, i usually scan teh room for people i gravitate towards and go there, via the bar of course! -
Finish This Sentence....You Know you're a JW teenager If....
by doodle-v induring class the teacher asks "who all plan to go to college?
" and you shrink down in your seat in an effort to become invisible as everyone in the class raises their hand.
-doodle-v. your turn!
awww theres soooo many great ones here, and national boundries don't even matter, what a f@cked up childhood we all had eh!
I always wondered why i love my Honda and 2 coupes, and now i know! i remember a brother getting a Honda Prelude, and the rap he got for that because it wasn't a 4 door car was unbeleivable! I loved that car, and because of that instance i bought one myself!!! I still have one to this day, to me driving it says "i did it my waaaaaaaaaaay"
I rememebr a particularary (sp?) strange sister in our hall, in the early 80's had some bee in her bonnet about tracksuits being untheocratic or something stupid, due to the glorification of sport over jehovahs glory, go figure! So while my mates were sporting cool Adidas tracksuits etc, i looked like a complete gimp! -
What do witnesses fear?
by joelbear indestruction?
naah, they know that this is really never going to happen to them.. the obscure threat of "displeasing jehovah"?
no, he isn't really real to them.. social disapproval?
the unknown, which is what we are!!!
The fear of living without the blanket of guilt and shame that they have come to depend on!
I used to schedule my time to have the inevitable "Mark, can we have a chat in the bookroom after the meeting please" included in it!! Never scared me, i loved the fact that i pissed the old boys off! Thats THE one reason I despise authority without humility now! The only thing i ever feared was having to go on the ministry and see my school mates!
I had my own ways around that, seen as i knew where all my mates lived, and my dad was the Service Overseer for our group, I'd always hae a look on the Friday night in the study to see what ministry we were doing on Saturday morning, and then make up some excuse about getting my hours in with Brother so-and-so in an other territory, and of course i started the clock as soon as I left the house, and walk the long way, so at least an hour to get to their ministry, just in time for them to be clocking off!! Ah happy days! -
St John's Wort led me to this JW site!
by AuntieJane ininteresting, in searching out info on sjw, this guy had this great website about his former jw girlfriend and her strange beliefs!
pretty funny!
just sharing,
way to go Kelly! I think you got off lightly mate!! you could of married this waste of space and spent your life 100% miserable all the time! Use your h@xX0rz skills to trace the malicious emails, then have some boys pay the fools a visit. As for this Nora-thing, shes typical of the gold digging materialistic whores the Dubs pump out! The good ones leave mate!
Do Must Dubs Have Pre-Marital Sex?
by tall penguin init's not often talked about but in my experience a lot of witnesses have sex (or something like it) during their courtship.
and most of them never go to the elders about it.
recent case in point: my dear friend got married this past summer.
lol definately not FHN!!
I like my lady to wear clothes that accentuate her best parts and imply am air of classiness and symbiosis of flesh versus cloth.
If i wanted her to dress like a nun, i'd send her off to convent school!
Anyways my mrs designs her own clothes, seen as society has seen fit to call her abnormal, so we proved them wrong eh! linky linky to her website is
For all you big buxom beauties out there, shes got the threads you need! -
Do Must Dubs Have Pre-Marital Sex?
by tall penguin init's not often talked about but in my experience a lot of witnesses have sex (or something like it) during their courtship.
and most of them never go to the elders about it.
recent case in point: my dear friend got married this past summer.
Of course they do!!!
The Dubs are one of the most hypocritical cults ever to exist! My own personal expereinces were testemony to this. I had a one night stand with a sister afer we were drunk, and nearly 6 years later the elders found out about it because i was engaged to another sister to be married (and we were at it like rabbits then lol) and she got jealous! how warped is that!
I never did get married to that sister, she was a headcase too, shes been married/divirced/married again to the same moron of a husband and seems to be connected to the Society by a rubber band!
All my friends had the guilts and confessed, i never did, i felt that a loving "god" who instilled the urge to get jiggy, would be dishonoured if we didn't uphold that desire! Chastity? pah, for frigid puritans maybe, but for me, sex is truly a fine skill to be mastered.
Most of the sisters i met and knew were so screwed up, unloved and were obsessed about their peer group impression, i hated it! I feel sorry for the poor fools who marry "in the lord" becasue they're getting the really shitty end if the stick there!
And i concluded that the elders, so starved of a bit of decent sex, use the JC's to get their mojo happening, just imagining these young couples writhing about in sweaty torrid laviciousness! -
your so right Frannie, I work in a car smash repairers, and biggest arsehole customers are the ones with teh little fishes on the back of the cars, or the Jesus Saves stickers!