I'm sorry things are so rotten right now. It does no good to blame to god, though. Being mad at god is like being mad at Santa Claus. They are the realm of reality. I can sympathize, though. I went through a period of being mad at god, too. It did me no good, though. It didn't make me feel better, and it didn't fix it.
It always irritated me when I heard people say that god helped them or hurt them. It made no sense to me. If a kid is dying of cancer, they pray to god and want other people to pray to god to save her. If she survives the cancer, well then they say it was god that did it! Their prayers were answered! But what about little Susie Bobo on the next street who died of cancer? How come god let her die? It is ridiculous to think some invisible imaginary person has that much power over us.
Shit happens ... that's just life. All we can do is learn from our mistakes when possible, and when not possible, try to change our reaction to it. I know this sounds sorta metaphysical, but when I encounter a problem (or many), it helps me to tell myself that this is just an oppotunity for me to grow as a person and maybe become a little wiser. I know ... it sounds corny. But it works for me!