After I left, I told myself the same thing ... I would never step foot in a Kingdom Hall, but I did ... for a funeral. And I regretted it. The brother read the newspaper obituary word for word, and then preached about "paradise" for 30 minutes. What a dishonor to the person that died and a complete waste of my time!
On a side note ... I WAS LOCKED IN A DARK KINGDOM HALL! When I was 3 years old, my family turned off the lights, locked the doors, and hopped in the car to drive home. (My dad was an elder and we were often the last to lock up and leave.) Even my 2 sisters sitting in the back seat didn't notice they forgot me. How does that happen? I have no idea! I don't think they got very far before somebody realized it. My mom said when they came back, they could see Kingdom Hall door moving in and out because I was on the other side beating on it so hard. It was pretty traumatic. I think it was the first sign that being a JW was not for me.