WAS a member, as in: at some point in her life.
"WAS" a member can be said of all active JWs and exJWs... after you are dead.
i'm pasting her obituary below following a google search for her children's names.
i was actually wondering whether she was still in the cult.
according to the obit, she was when she passed some 3 years ago but i suspect she was still a fringe jw as i remember her in the 50's.. janet keeler, as i knew her and her husband buck, attended the marshalltown, iowa congregation when she was in her late 20's.
WAS a member, as in: at some point in her life.
"WAS" a member can be said of all active JWs and exJWs... after you are dead.
and they start delivering their message of judgment?
what do you think will happen when they start knocking on doors and telling people that their families will be killed in armageddon because they did not believed in jehovah.
i'm curious how people will react.
I don't know if it is possible for the JWs to become MORE full cult mode than they already are. I suppose they can get more fanatical and crazy, but it's hard to imagine.
anyone see that there is a long letter on how to handle child abuse?.
In the case of any discussion with a child abuse victim who is still a minor, an elder should never meet alone with the minor but should al-ways involve another elder and another adult member of the congregation, preferably the minor’s parent(s). If it is not possible to include the parent (for example, if the parent is the accused), then another adult member of the congregation who is a confidant of the victim should be included.
Wow! This seems to directly contradict what I watched the Governing Body member testify to in Australia. He made it sound like they would NEVER allow a woman to be present during judicial proceedings. Even though women are not specifically mentioned, this paragraph seems to open the door to the possibility. I certainly hope so, at least.
i just wonder what universities they would have gone to?
if possible, former members and current ones separately.... .
Thanks for the links, Blondie!
lets say you are able to go back in time to the first man( their belief adam) 7000 years.. now you are magically transporter back to adam time with the knowledge you have from.
todays world..would you make life a little easier for you and your family???
you may move.
remember that this is humor.
rape is wrong.so really, i would rather go to bill cosby's home for an evening (and to be fair, even a gay version of bill cosby) than go to the kingdom hall.. at both, you would know that your hosts would keep the conversation clean.
bill stays on the high road (while speaking).
I would prefer to be unconscious when raped, so Billy Cosby ... here I come!
if all life was truly random, then what happened that allowed humans to it's current intelligent state, do you think non humans could and will reach that in the future?
Do you think any animals will ever reach human intelligence?
It's happened before ....
"i just don't see it," christie told cnn's jamie gangel in an interview tuesday, adding later, .
here's the key moment in trump’s speech:.
LOL! It's so funny to watch and so sad, too. I actually feel sorry for her. You know she didn't write a word of that herself. I'm sure she is horribly embarrassed! But for heaven's sake, just admit it! They are embarrassing themselves even more by denying it!
very long story.
i've been away from this site for a while.. basically, i tried to leave.
handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped.
I'm sorry they are giving you so much grief. You are right. It is impossible to leave without drama, fanfare, and your reputation being ruined. I hope you stay out for your daughter's sake. I think it will be important for her to see another possible path in life besides the Watchtower.
Congratulations! I love it when I see people overcome the Watchtower's harsh stance on education!