The question "How Do You Answer Someone Who Says JWs Are Not False Prophets?" would suggest I have got myself into very unfortunate situation. It presumes I have failed in two major ways:
- I failed to avoid an encounter with a JW which is difficult to imagine and...
- I have engaged in conversation with the offending JW to a point where this question can be asked, which again is a major failure.
I am now imagining the following scenario.
I am trapped in a lift with a plain clothed JW, I did not notice the JW.ORG pin on his casual shirt as I entered the lift otherwise I would have taken emergency action: running out screaming 'Arghh... it’s a Jehovah' arms flailing potentially running in loose circles for effect (it is always good to run into and overturn a coffee table if possible).
Presumably the lift got stuck at some point and my repeated efforts at hitting the alarm button thus far have failed and my calls for prompt service are falling on deaf ears over the intercom... 'Arghhh... help help I'm stuck in the lift with a Jehovah... be quick he has a Watchtower and I think he's going to use it.... pleeeeeease help'.
I have recently been injured in a traffic accident and have lost the ability to use my legs effectively; I have made several valiant efforts to escape through the emergency hatch on top of my new prison cell to no avail. I lay on the floor exhausted from my efforts and my voice almost gone from my screams for help.
Placing my fingers in my ears is too painful, I lost my finger nails whilst attempting to scratch through the steel doors once I realised it was my last best hope for escape. Voice too hoarse to drown him out I am now vulnerable to the JW.
The JW has been talking for a good ten minutes now... and damn it! my iPod has just run out of charge... just as the earbuds fall silent I can hear him say 'blah blah blah... we're not false prophets you know'. Clearly I need to respond.
As the JW explains 607 to 1914 to me I spend the the time chewing through my left shoulder, it is painful but when you need a weapon needs must. Once my arm is free I beat the JW senseless with the bloody end.
When the doors finally open and the fire crew are presented with the scene, standing holding my arm with my good hand, I would just say... "Thank god, look at what the Jehovah did to me... oh and I’m AB Neg I might need a blood transfusion."
Hope that helps.
MOD: Please note I am not condoning violence in anyway, only in extreme situations in self-defence.