I would agree with that, at least in terms of publicizing UN activities that would generally be considered "positive." That is, of course, undercut by the other statements over the last 10 years about the scarlet-colored wild beast and the UN's inability to accomplish its goals.
But I think the fact that they HAD TO AGREE TO SUPPORT THE UN is the single most powerful fact that's emerged from this. Nobody can argue with it.
The UN says: "Yes, they had to agree to support us, or we wouldn't have made them a UN NGO."
The Watchtower Society says: "Hmm, er, well, no, we really didn't agree to do that quite in the sense that..."
The UN says: "Here's your signature on the dotted line. You read the terms and conditions."
No matter how anyone evaluates the evidence of the 10 following years, the Watchtower Society indisputably had to make that initial commitment. They HAD TO AGREE TO SUPPORT THE UN. And we know how the UN has always been condemned in Watchtower publications.