Very funny indeed ! Now is that animal exploitation, small person exploitation or stupid person exploitation?
the rat is getting drunk, so early in the day..... cheers
hello this is my first time on this web site.i am an inactive jw.
married to a jw.didnt believe in there teachings for many years.. looked and read at your site for along time.
its one of the best.iam not very good at typing or spelling.and cyber communication.. hard to have a marriage when one believes and the other one doesnt.we were both raised jws .but i changed and she didnt.. common story.too years to learn to think for myself.
well any of u that read my post about reinstatement will know what im on about basically i put my letter in for my family ive been dfed since march and they so want me back,.
but the lovely elders took a month to get back to me and then said they were gonna leave it as i have the wrong motive as i am doing it for my family not jehovah, (which of course i am but they werent meant toknow that!
) thing is in my reinstatement meeting i knew exactly what i was doing i knew exactly what i should not and should say and said all the wrong things because i didnt want it,.
Hi Cordy
New here tonight, (only found out about the "truth" this weekend after leaving at 16 - now 33). If it's not 2 rude, I would like to know how old you are (perhaps it shouldnt matter) My advice would be that wether you have been d'fd for a boyfriend (love) or not - you need to be true to yourself more than anyone else. A lot of us ex - JW's have not done that (wether dunked or not when we left) and not being true to yourself leaves lives in a mess. If your family REALLY love you then they will come to except you for who you truly are. If they love "Jehovah" more then you need to move on anyway - Maybe with your boyfriend and his family or maybe with someone else in the future & theirs. There are SOOOO many lovely people out here in the "world". There are also ****ty people who prey on vunerable & ****ed up ex-JW's. be careful and learn from people on Websites like this. Remember why you want to do wot YOU want....(for once).
Love to you and good luck.
Why does all the USA food look and sound better than it does in the UK (even from same chain)! TGI's is good here IMO. The nearest TGI or HRC is 15 mile away. I think there is something going on in the local council (in this city) cos we have 8 mill McD's & Pizza Hut a few KFC and NO BK - Love BK. Having said all that you cant beat a good Indian or Kebab.
i have been reading alot lately and not posting enough, but i have a situation that i would like some advice for.
i have been having doubts for some time now, and no longer believe the wbts have the truth.
my wife when she first heard of this dilemma, had some issues with it, we had a fallout, and we were seperated for some time.
Hi Cory
I am new here 2nite. All I can say that if you and your wife (as you seem to) want to make this work, then DO NOT be afraid to talk to her openly ( a few drinks might help first)... A whole new life awaits you (both) if you can break free from (most) of the chains. Follow your instincts. From what I have learned in my life especially in the last 12 months is that we have a 6th sense / inner alarm bell / get feeling for a reason. TRUST YOUR FEELINGS - You are having them for a reason.
It will NOT be easy for you both (or even worse for you both if you end up going it alone). I was 16 when I left (unbaptised) and it STILL affects me on a daily basis (now 33). It still impacts on my wife and daughter and they were NEVER in the the truth (all my family still strong JW's). It's like ripples (waves!) in a still pond from a bloodly great brick that gets chucked in. BUT - You have start somewhere and it is hard BUT start today. I have only found out the truth about the "truth" since this sat on the internet. I WISH soooo badly I had done it years ago. It would have stopped me from self-destructing on so many occassions. You are likely to find true help and support on webpages like these. One word of caution. Please try not to get sucked into the religous ex-JW (apostate) sites. I emailed some of them for help and not one has replied unlike some of the other (non-religious sites) that have emailed back and offered support.
Best wishes with your new life (hopefully with your wife). Remember this : "Fear leads to pain, pain leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side!" Where is the light side in the messages the "truth" offers.