I think this is a great analogy.( I may have to try it sometime to prove it to myself!) It reminds me of the one about how they chain baby elephants to a short chain, and when they get bigger they don't need the chain for them anymore, they still act as though they are chained. I think we all have programs running in us that started like that.
And, Golf I agree with your wife.Forgive!
How does one forgive? I think like one loves-by choice. First you decide to, you speak it aloud, then you act in line with your decision.You may still have hurt feelings, anger whatever, but those will fade. Especially if you have really made the decision and stick to it, and don't keep re-hashing your grievences over and over again in your brain. You let it be, you begin to feel at peace and the hold it had over you dissolves. I don't think it means you have to put yourself at that person's or (organization's!) mercy again, especially if they haven't changed. You just acknowlege who or what they are and steer clear if you can.
Question: if there's "no spoon" how does one eat cereal?