Mark, my cafe commerade, you said:
If Bin Laden gave himself up would you be happy . Conflicted
woud that satisfy you.
I say, "It would be a start." You see, when McVeigh was arrested that's all there was - no conspiracy, no group of followers to come to his revenge, nobody left to follow in his footsteps. If Bin Laden were to give himself and his followers up so that we are guaranteed that his reign is over, then yes I would be satisfied. I assume he would be tried by a world council or something of that sort, and I have no doubt that there will be enough evidence to prove this action came straight from him.
Remember, he is already at war against all non-muslims worldwide, as stated by him in a declaration made in 1998 or '99. This isn't the first terrorist act he has orchestrated, just the first massive attack on US soil - one large enough for the world to take note of.
If his reign of terror is put to an end so that it can't rise from the ashes, and bin Ladne is tried and punished for the things he has done, yes I am satisfied.