As a newbie.. I can honestly say, atheistic and sceptical viewpoints do not put me off, but sometimes I cringe when people say derogatory things about god or the JWS.. on the whole I STILL feel that most of the JWS are at heart good people. And I realise that in time my viewpoints may change as I pull further away. I have for example posted a question about which version of the bible to read.. and had responses from people such as 'Why bother' and 'it's a pile of shit' kind of thing. Well.. that's not the way I feel, and you saying it doesn't make me believe it!! And it's not really a response to my post.. I was asking those who still read the bible. I totally feel also that people who are new here WILL be put off by JW knocking. We all know how it is, the first few weeks and months are painful! You still aren't sure if you're right, and the guilt.. my mother would be proud of my guilt.. I totally agree, everyone here should be allowed and free to express their own beliefs, but to try and make someone else believe them.. surely that makes us no better than the JWs!!!
Poppy x