good show... i know its a guilty pleasure, but ive fallen in love with the war at home... check that out too...
the infamous one
or is arrested development the best show on tv???
it's definately the most original, i know what santa is getting me for christmas, the first two season on dvd!!!!
good show... i know its a guilty pleasure, but ive fallen in love with the war at home... check that out too...
the infamous one
hey folks: .
i noticed that we had several users from this forum checking out one of our site's blogs when it mentioned jehovah's witnesses.
thought i'd update you and let you know that today's cover story is focused on the same.
the sad thing is these poor people who think and seem so good are really blind... they are so well conditioned they can actually trick others to think their work is great... wow, im so sorry for poor rachel though, shes doomed to be one of these for a LONG LONG TIME...
the infamous one
i am posting this for the consideration of those who "assume" and "rumor" that charles taze russell and j.f.
rutherford were no longer friends in 1916. .
this article by judge j. f. rutherford was published in the december 1, 1916 issue of the watch towe magazine.
thats it! im disfellowshipping both their dead asses... all Jehovahs witnesses are to shun the dead men... also, they are not permitted to raise their dead hands to answer a quewstion at the meeting, or to sing with their dead voices at the hall... if their dead bodies are to see another JW in the streets, their dead bodies are to cross the street to avoid them...
notes from the 2006 Elders Meeting in New York Bethel
the infamous one
i've been thinking about this for a few days.
i'm pissed at the wts, but not like bitter or vengeful, but more like the "i'm sick and tired of it and i'm just not going to take it anymore!
" kind of pissed.
simply because it treated us like shit, and made it seem like it was saving our lives and showing us the better life, also because it treats us all like idiots, and because it ruined my life in many ways, its just a gfood thing im a strong person, or id be done for life...
the infamous one
p.s. how did we let them call us the sheep???? fuck you, im no sheep
spent all day today downtown being shuffled around to this building and that trying to get temporary assistance.. what a nightmare.. everyone tells you something different.
and it's so humiliating.
i didn't work my ass off for 17 years for this.. it's just very hard to think of losing my fiance, my house, my job, my cars, the use of my hands, electricity and heat, all in 8 months.
man, hang in there, dont lose hope and know that there are some of us, that even if we dont know you are willing to help... im one of those people, and i mean this, if u need anything, just pm me... ill do whatever i can for ya man..
the infamous one
i read ladylees thread about her sister and realized how short life is, sometimes you loose track of time and don't even realize it.
we are all so busy with a million things and sometimes we forget to tell our brothers and sisters how we feel about them so i will take the time to tell them tonight how much i love them.
the following is a list of some of the things i love about my sisters.. .
i love that my little sister is just so sweet... shes a genius, she always has time to ask me silly little things, i love how she looks up to me, even though my parents talk badly about me, i love how she used to come give me a hug when i was sitting in my room crying, i love how she was the only one willing to tall my dad to get away from me while he was hitting me, i love how she called the cops on him that one night, i love HER...
dammit, now im crying, i miss her so much...
the infamous one
just curious about what made you leave the religion?
was it hard?
is it possible to get someone that has jw beliefs to see the other side?
the BS got me out.. the fact that they didnt want me to think for myself made me leave... their inability to accept that i am a free thinker is what makes me hate their guts..
the infamous one
so i've been wondering about it recently.
i was baptized when i was 11 years old and have been a witness for about 8 years now.
since i was 11 (yes, since 11) i've been reading the watchtower, doing the mics and all that stuff.
cuz they think if they can trap us early enough well be stuck forever, i got baptized when i was 13... ha ha, so frickin glad im out..
the infamous one
do you think the bible is inerrant ie has absolutely no erroneous information or does it contain some errors?
if it does is its credibility destroyed?
i personally think that a great deal in the bible is false but still the basic ideas are correct.
if u leave the bible on the shelf too long it gets all moldy and dusty... then it smells...
the infamous one
i know this is kind of a joke but i was wondering what would happen if russell, rutherford, knorr, franz and milton henschel all met up for a meeting to discuss the watchtower bible and tract society/jw's and how to run it today?
russell would probably say " i am the faithful and discreet slave" rutherford would say to russell "no you are not that is "old light" i am the faithful and discreet slave class along with my associates" and then nathan knorr would tell them both that they are both wrong the governing body is the faithful and discreet slave class.
and also knorr would tell charles t russell he would be disfellowshipped for wearing his beard.
well... if they all were capable of meeting together, i would have to steal the time machine that brought them all to the same era, and then i would go back to the time of russell, before the whole BIBLE STUDENTS BS... and then i would use a machete and chop him up into little pieces.. then there would be no annoying bible thumpers knocking on my door at ten am on a saturday morning when im hungover as hell... BASTARDS
the infamous one