So, which is it lurkers? Do you reject Christ because you're scared of what people will think? Or, do you reject him because you are are unable to come to him by divine mandate and your own "total depravity"?
Is that all? People reject Christ solely because they are:
1) cowards? social conformists?
2) depraved beings who revel in "sin"?
Do people not ALSO reject Christ because they have been convinced that he wasn't a historical person (regardless of whether or not you agree with that conviction)?
Do people not ALSO reject Christ because they are seriously hurt by what life throws at them and are thus disillusioned with God?
Do people not ALSO reject Christ because they are unimpressed with the way evangelicals preach a lovey-dovey Christ while simultaneously sweeping under the rug the horribly primitive ethical values (the ethnic cleansing, hooker-butchering, vagina-spearing tales) oozing out of the Old Testament?
You can buy sympathy by telling people how you were ill-treated (unecessarily) by a narrow-minded JW. But you won't see a drop of my sympathy for a sanctimonious, pietistic evangelical preacher on JWD.