JoinedTopics Started by Inquisitor
Quotes from "Clothe Yoursleves With The New Personality" Assembly
by Inquisitor in"i use my time wisely by not spending it with my worldly friends..." and so you chose to spend it with people who devised rules that shut up their female members (with the exception of elders' wives who are skilled manipulators of men and power), ban moustaches and beards (for men too) and frown on higher education.
wise indeed!.
"we cannot find such joy (construction of new kingdom halls) in the jobs that we do in the world..." never had a fat paycheck waved in your face, have you?.
Re: Baptism vows - Complications?
by Inquisitor ini've been reading the posts regarding the not-so-recent change in baptismal vows.
apparently, unlike previous years where allegience is pledged to jehovah and christ, the current vows makes baptismal candidates formally associate themselves with the wts.
my question is: can we forsee any possible complications arising out of this?
Help - What's going on at the book study atm?
by Inquisitor inquick question, what book are the witnesses studying at their book study these days?
i got the impression that it is the daniel's prophecy book.
but hadn't they already gone through that book?
Preaching a drag
by Inquisitor inanyone here still goes from door to door despite a reluctance to serve the interests of the wts??.
i know i'll have to when i see my folks in a coupla weeks time.
have to keep up the appearance that all is well.
Regarding Resolutions
by Inquisitor indoes anyone here remember how we used to have resolutions at assemblies/conventions?
the speaker would crescendo into a lits of resolutions to which the audience would readily (sleepily?
) say "aye!
Ouija Board
by Inquisitor inhas anyone ever played with an ouija board?.
is the game as dangerous as has been suggested by the wts all this while?
wts seems confident that all inexplicable events associated with the game comes from a supernatural source, and not a psychological one.
WT Study on Education - How did it go?
by Inquisitor ini didn't attend the meeting today and i haven't spoken to any fellow witnesses about the study yet.
anyone care to share how their meeting went?
any interesting comments made for or against the wts policy on higher education?
New Releases.. losing pzazz??
by Inquisitor inhas anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
Re: Witness Youth and Education
by Inquisitor inthe wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
2005 District Convention
by Inquisitor incan someone tell me all i need to know about the 2005 district convention?.
was there a drama?
what were released?.