JoinedTopics Started by The_Replacement
July 15 2006 WT - Uncleanness - disfellowshp?- details
by BluesBrother in.
hope the scans show up ok.. the article is presented as it comes, for your own assessment.
you could not make this stuff up!
Can someone of the 144,000 get kicked out after entering heaven ???
by The_Replacement inso, if someone is of the 144,000, dies, and supposedly goes to heaven, is it still possible for them to be misled, or kicked out, thus needing another replacement.
if the answer is yes, i guess the 144,000 will never be completed, in fact eventually they will have 144,000 replacements, then 144,000 replacements replacing the replacements, doh !
During the assembly did you ever notice ... ???
by The_Replacement ingrowing up as a kid in the 70's (and early 80's), did you ever notice at the assembly that there was always someone who had a tape recorder on stage and was taping the whole assembly.
are these tapes around today, generally i would love to hear some talks that were given before 1975 and see how many brothers said something big was going to happen, because we all know the watchtower never said that !!!
(yeah right).. any websites that might have a few of these or other interesting topics ???.
God led me to the JW congregation.
by jw ini rented a house in the late !970's and the contents in the home were given to me.. it happened to be books: ( making my life happy, revelation, children bible stories, listening to the great teacher ) i was enjoying the reading.. -----------------------------------.
a few years later began to notice awake magazines in doctor offices, and other public places and read them and enjoyed them.. ------------------------------------.
late 1980's my 7th son was 2 yrs.
Anointed "Remnent" projections
by Elsewhere ina person who cannot reveal his/her identity has asked that i post this research regarding how long it is taking for the "remnent" to die before armageddon comes.. ====.
a recent jwd posting ( got me playing with remnant figures in excel.
the results are obvious, and frankly not surprising.
A question on " 1975 "
by The ini was reading some of the first " topics " on this db and i noticed that a few former elders and publishers .
were stumbled by this date.... i was born after 1975 and i'd really appreciate any comments from brothers and sisters who were around .
what i've noticed from personal experience is that many brothers and sisters feel that only " a few " were stumbeled .
Which annual JW event did you dislike the most?
by jambon1 ini actually never liked the memorial.
it was`nt a very spiritual occasion at all really.
i hated feeling guilty about not doing the scheduled bible reading.
Elder Conversation: Why Reform Won't Happen
by metatron ini had a nice conversation with an elder recently and it illustrates why reform of the organization is nearly impossible.
this elder.
is very aware of how bad things are becoming in congregations and he worries about his retirement.
the new world translation of the holy scriptures
by jes30427 inwhat year was this bible translated?
it doesnt even say who translated it.
did this russel guy get bored and want to start his own religion or something.
AWAKE! JANUARY 2006, To Our Readers.
by Blueblades infor those who have not yet seen this issue.
called "the golden age" in 1919, the name was changed to "consolation" in1937, and to "awake!
" in 1946. beginning with this issue, the format of awake!