Topics Started by force
What's the BIGGEST LIE you ever heard?
by nicolaou in.
someone i knew stood up at the convention to answer her two baptism questions both with a "yes".
she was having an affair with a married brother at the time.. but i'd top my 'biggest lie' list with four small words; "in the beginning, god"
Say something Philosophical and Deep
by JH insay something philosophical and deep so that we can all benefit from what you're going to say.
are we in the last hours
by force ini posted this in the middle of someone elses thread by mistake.
my mother and her friend were talking at da weekend and they reckon we are not only in the last days but the last hours.
i know most of you dont believe that anymore, but do some of you still get scared by it.
God led me to the JW congregation.
by jw ini rented a house in the late !970's and the contents in the home were given to me.. it happened to be books: ( making my life happy, revelation, children bible stories, listening to the great teacher ) i was enjoying the reading.. -----------------------------------.
a few years later began to notice awake magazines in doctor offices, and other public places and read them and enjoyed them.. ------------------------------------.
late 1980's my 7th son was 2 yrs.
Have you ever had a prayer answered?
by nicolaou inprayer topics seem to be the bandwagon of the moment so i'm jumping on!
seriously, has anyone here asked for something specific in prayer and actually gotten what they asked for?
what convinces you that you wouldn't have got it in any case?
Ghosts, Demons, or Imagination?
by ButtLight inok, its happened again!
but not to me this time, my 12 year old son.. last night he fell asleep on the couch, so i left him there and went to bed.
he wolk up about 3 am, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
by Narkissos ini was thinking of an approximate reversal of force's thread (
if something happened which proved beyond any doubt that god (or gods) cannot exist, silencing forever all claims for realistic belief in an objective divinity, shattering even the uncertainty of agnosticism, would you start being interested in theology?.
i don't mean to discuss the probability of the assumption: it is very unlikely.
if God proved he was there would you serve him
by force in.
hiya all.
i just wondered this becus i know lots of people have lost faith in god and the bible.. but if today something happened that proved 100 percent that god existed, would you go back to serving him?.
Your childhood meals.
by greendawn indo you have good memories from your childhood when it comes to the meals your mother served you?
what did she give you to eat when you were ill?
Absolutely great knock knock joke!!!
by knock_knock inknock knock,.
jehovahs witness sir,.
[edited] off.