Thanks everyone for replying.
Hey Josie, I reckon it was meant to be, hope you're still together. By the way, where do the dubs come in, in that scenario?
Ozzie, the school nurse was scottish, saw my sisters sirname and asked who her father was.....
the employer commented at the job interview that he valued christian principles in employees, in fact his wife........etc.
the babysitter......she looked after my first baby a few times, born in may. I probably left the baby first when she was around four months old, september, another time I needed a sitter would have been closer to Christmas and I think I asked her about her families plans for the festive season, I can still remember my surprise (shock, horror) when she told me they did not celebrate as they were witnesses!! It was her that told me that there were other witnesses living a few doors up from us.
My friend in the mothers' group was raised a witness, the group was making christmas cards one morning. which resulted in a christmas type conversation. that's when I found out about her background.
My neighbour, (children's teacher), was over for coffee one day and whinging about how her mother was neglecting her and her kids as she devoted so much time to the Jay Dubs, they had taken over her life...I nearly choked on my coffee!!
My son's best friend spends most weekends at our place, his father committed suicide a few years back. (they're 14 now). His mother was talking with me about how that had affected the family dynamics. Her sister being a twin is very close to her, and the boy spends a significant amount of time with his aunt and cousins (witness's), they have been to my house on a number of occasions to drop him off, or collect him.....
so they examples I gave are not "seven degrees of separation" - (btw I loved that movie!), not somebody's auntie, who knew somebodies cousin, who was a JW. They are all people directly involved in my "daily grind"
To be fair, the instances have happened over a 20 year period, but I still feel that there is a significant WOW factor..........?!
has anyone an angle on the "aura" suggestion that my other friend, (to be fair, she was not really a friend, but an aquaintance, as I knew she attended a spiritualist church and I was a bit freaked about that!), mentioned to me? cause if there's something I can do to change that aura, I'd like to know..........!!
best wishes