I remember having a similar conversation with my dad years ago. at that time he was out, but he's back in again
I told him that in a way I felt sorry for Judas because he was the fall guy, I mean if he was set up to be the bad guy, then we almost owe him some thanks (if you believe any of it?) he still believing said that of course Judas had a choice, but imperfect human nature would mean that somebody would do it.
then I took it back to Adam and Eve. I mean any parent can relate to telling your young child "Don't touch that", it's like a red rag to a bull. I'm not saying Adam and Eve were children, but they were totally innocent, and if your innocent child, that you truly love does something disobedient (what child doesnt?) then you might punish them, teach them a lesson.
So anyway, if God didn't like their actions why blame and punish all of mankind. Why not just get rid of Adam and Eve, and start again? Wh did it have to be a perfect life, for a perfect life. He makes up the rulz, he made them in his image, he was behaving like a spoilt brat....(ok I didn't say that one to my father!)
Dad said I was being silly, I still don't see why. It seems logical to me.......