Wow you have a lot here and you are correct you will not be able to go over it all tonight. However if the PO sees this list he will try and answer everything in one sitting but he will expect you to accept everything he says without question. He will expect you to be so impressed with his knowledge that you must accept it.
You must not talk about more that two topics. Michael - Jesus is a very good one to start with. You seem to have a good grasp on the scriptures with this so I would start there. Do not let him rush through his explanations/answers. He will try and go fast so don't let him. When he starts to jump from scripture to scripture stop him and say "No lets discuss this scripture first, in it's context." This will distrube him and he may reply - It has to be in the context of the Bible, or something like that. Just say that each writer wrote in context of their own book, at the time of the writing they did not have the other books to "Get in context with."
Another thing they do quite often is when you don't see things their way they will sort of smile and chuckle as if to say you are so below me. It is meant to be very condescending, after you have questions and they alone have the answers. When this happens call him on it this is how I replied when they did it to me; "This is not funny, I find no humor in this. You claim my eternal salvation is involved and you laugh because I do agree with what you are saying. Maybe it is you that doesn't fully understand, after all you claim to have the answers yet you haven't convinced me. And with your condescending attitued you obviously think I am below you, so use your superrior knowledge and convence me." It changed the entier mood yes but it did become more respectful and it put them on the defencive, even though they were there to "teach" me.
Also just to bring in your question - Could a person using the Bible ever come to accurate knowledge and gain salvation? (I know you worded yours a bit differently)
Insist that you use the Bible only, he will object but insist on it. Everytime he tries to open another book insist again. If he persists, and he will, ask your question. Then press him on it. He will try and pull a scripture on you about the Etheopion eunic reading some scriptuers and I believe it was Peter heard and asked if he understood what he was reading. The responce was no I need a teacher. They think that answers the question. However, just say "That is fine but why would the Eunic not understand what he was reading - becaues he was not a Jew." Then say - did Peter use a WT or other publication or did he use only the scriptures the Eunic was reading? Plus after the "teaching" was done the Eunic was babtized immediately. He did not have to study other publications fir a long time and he did not have to answer 100 or more questions.
At the point ask your question again a bit differently - "Can a person using only the Bible alone ever come to the same conclusions as the JW teaches?" This puts then in a corner becaues if they say no then that opens up a load of questions about the Bibles authority that I am sure you can think of. If they say yes the you can easily insist on using the Bible only in your discussion.
A bit long I know, I hope it helps a little. Good luck, please let us know how it goes.