Sorry to hear about your situation, Stinky.
How about hiring some sort of moving van to get your stuff to the new location? You may not get a new car, but at least you won't be stranded in the interim. Hope it all works out for you, of course.
i woke up to a banging on my door and much to my surprise, it was a police officer.
he proceeded to tell me that my car was damaged.
i was thinking, "great, someone must've busted out a window or slashed my tires.
Sorry to hear about your situation, Stinky.
How about hiring some sort of moving van to get your stuff to the new location? You may not get a new car, but at least you won't be stranded in the interim. Hope it all works out for you, of course.
jehovah's witnesses will often scoff with scornful disdain at young earth creationists for believing that the "days" in genesis are literal and that the entire universe is only about 6 to 10 thousand years old.
what about the ages of rocks measured in the millions?
light from stars millions of light years away?
Well, it seems like our evolution/ creation argument has reached the traditional point where the creationist realizes that science is not on his side, and that pure faith will have to suffice. Of course, given the fact that the bible very specifically calls for faith being the most important quality needed by Christains, I never really understand why the literalist feel so threatened by science. Just have faith that the earth is 6,000 years old; however don't embarrass yourself by trying to use science and arguments created mostly by non scientist.
bill bowen's visit to the kingdom hall:.
i went to the meeting on sunday because i wanted to.
hear the comments on the watchtower study, i knew that someone would say something about dateline or the silentlambs, because the watchtower article being studied is the march first issue that talked about the "slanderous media reports".. .
Same nonsense as usual.
Of course, they'll never say what the exact nature of the accusations are, and then follow through with solid refutations of them; they're just content to scream "LIES!!!!" and do nothing more. With such solid debating and conversational techniques, who can disagree with them?
anyone got plans to attend the memorial?.
i am going again this year.
not out of duty or for anyone else but for myself.
Yup, I'll be attending the memorial with my family, but I'm more looking foward to the "going out after the memorial" part, of course.
another example of why the so called "environmentalists" don't know s**t!
middle ages were warmer than today, say scientists .
by robert matthews, science correspondent .
Wow, ThiChi and I are in some agreement.
Clearly, the evidence is very far from conclusive on humans having any impact on "global warming". However, I wouldn't lambast the work of environmentalists in general for this. Air and water pollution, deforestation, and any other number of legitimate environmental concerns are often addressed by environmentalist groups. Just because sunspots may have more control over our temperatures than we do does not mean we should ignore the cries of environmentalists on those other issues.
dedalus made a good point about the JW's always inventing some sort of organization, with very scant biblical support. I recently recalled hearing a public talk which addressed the reason why god made the marriage arrangement the way it is (i.e.: men "taking the lead"). The brother was careful not to make any remarks that would in any way make women inferior, and infact explicitly said that men and women are equally capable of leadership, etc. (which a lot of brothers probably wouldn't say). According to him, the reason why god made men the head of the household was because of what he referred to as "the organizational principle", which, according to him, was based on the fact that anywhere in the bible where two or more of Jehovah's people were joined, Jehovah would form an "organization" to help make sure that things ran in a smooth theocratic order, much like he runs things in heaven (apparently). So he said that the marriage union was the smallest form of "organization", with the entire JW corporation being the largest, of course. He said that none of the leaders of any of the "organizations" were better than the people who were/are subordinate to them, but that god chose to organize his people for his own perfect theocratic reasons, and that we should all honor the "organizational principle" on all levels. Of course, not once was the bible directly referenced to butress this all important "organizational principle", the brother mearly asserted, and it was so (no surprise here).
As for the original topic, I never quite bought the whole "we JW's have always had an organiztion" thing, with Abel apparently being the first Jehovah's Witness. However, I suppose if you define "Jehovah's Witness" loosely enough, then anyone or group could have been one in the past, including the all evil Catholic church .
terrorists thank american protesters
by: benedict arnett with special arrangement of al jerksrah news service.
wednesday 02 april 2003
Funny berten and dakota.
for those who don't know by background, i was raised in the organization, third generation.
there are many elders, two anointed, a po and many pioneers in my family with all sorts of contact with cos, dos, and people in bethel.
to get to my point... my father just called me.
The weird part was, I clicked on the thread thinking "elsewhere is proabably going to write some April Fool's joke", knowing your history of writing such stuff. But you still got me anyway!!!! I was already envisioning what the convention was going to be like and then you had to wreck it at the end.
comments you will not hear at the 3-23-03 wt study
february 15, 2003, page 18.
(the reviewers comments are in black or within parentheses.
You beat me to the punch Pistoff . Those numbers obviously contain a proponderant amount of Witness kids, and very few of those people came in via the "traditional" house to house crap.
blondie I was thinking the same thing that you were; namely that the new seed is produced by new plants (i.e.: new converts). The only way this analogy could work is if it were the same plant growing over and over again. OMG, the JW's now believe in reincarnation! Now that's some real heavy duty new light.
well, today the supreme court listened to oral arguments in a case titled lawrence v. texas .
the supreme court will decide whether a texas anti- sodomy law specifically targeting homosexuals is constitutional or not.
i was just suprised that this is even still an issue today.
Well, today the Supreme Court listened to oral arguments in a case titled Lawrence v. Texas . The Supreme Court will decide whether a Texas anti- sodomy law specifically targeting homosexuals is constitutional or not. I was just suprised that this is even still an issue today. You can read about it:
In the first article, I found it interesting that the lawyer who represents the state of Texas thought that it was OK for only heterosexuals to engage in oral and/or anal sex because it "encourages procreation". If the quality of arguments are an indication, this law should be overturned.