JT, if they were not saved by god it is because it's not part of his plan, remember?
I was happy to see her recovered as well, but as others have expressed, I have a feeling more about this story will eventually come out.
tv just broke into coverage of a fire to report that police in sandy utah found her alive and well in a car during a routine traffic stop.
she'd been missing since last july 4th when her sister said that a man came into their room in the middle of the night and took her.
no details yet.
JT, if they were not saved by god it is because it's not part of his plan, remember?
I was happy to see her recovered as well, but as others have expressed, I have a feeling more about this story will eventually come out.
regardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.
here is a chance to show that support.
this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.
Like Charles Rangle, I support the troops (hope they'll be safe, etc.), but not the war. Saddam isn't even close to being an eminent threat, so we can explore diplomatic measures for a while longer. Or at least come up with a better Al-Queda/ Iraq link. The Saudis have a clear terrorist link, yet we continue to kiss their asses, diplomatically speaking. Makes me question Bush's commitment to national security, quite frankly.
IMO, people overseas are more likely to know about the US than vice versa. US television, and more specifically, US news sources like CNN and (*shudder*) Fox News are available to an international audience. They see Sean Hannity's stupidity on display just like we do . And news magazines like "Time" and newspapers like the New York Times are also available internationally. However, I bet few of us Americans watch CSPAN on Sunday night to see British Parliament (entertaining as hell ) , or watch BBC America, read The Economist news magazine, or read an online European/ Asian paper. While it's obvious that some are anti American just for the sake of being anti- American, it seems to me that far more people (both domestically and abroad), get the "anti- American" label unfairly (including myself on some occasions, though living in New York City, with a 74% war disapproval rate, makes it fairly rare). Well, as I said before, here's to a safe return for our troops (your son included of course, SheliaM).
today i was at work and a jw slipped a watchtower and awake in the mail slot.in the awake there is an article titled "is there an unforgivable sin?
" here is a paragraph that caught my eye.. some people who were once faithful christians have purposely drawn away from god,perhaps because of bitterness,pride, or greed, and are now "apostate fighters" against god's spirit.they willfully oppose what the spirit is clearly accomplishing.
have these induividuals committed the unforgiveable sin?
Didn't Jesus characterize the "unforgivable sin" specifically as towards those Jewish religious leaders who claimed that his miracles were originated from the devil and not god, and wasn't the "unforgivable" nature of this sin specifically that they could no longer qualify as religious leaders of the people in front of god (and not necessarily that they could not be "forgiven" for denying Jesus' power coming from god, if they were truly repentant)? I could be wrong about that point, but certainly leaving the crackpot JW religion wouldn't qualify as any "sin", much less an unforgivable one (assuming you even accept the bible and all).
one of the sins that a jehovah's witness can get disfellowshipped for is gambling.
those that occasionally gamble, even for pennies, are considered "greedy ones".
of course, playing the stock market or futures is not considered gambling these are "investments".personally, i enjoy a little gambling.
Do You Like To Gamble?
Once in a while.
when confronted with hard evidence of corruption or doctrinal error, many witnesses are now quick to assert that.
"the organization is imperfect" or "they make mistakes sometimes".
in this fashion, they can retain their extreme allegiance.
Excellent post, metatron.
However, as has been already said, you might get a more positive response by telling this to a brick wall than you would if you presented this to a "true blue" JW. The mind control element is truly sickening.
just received this in the mail from gonzaga university:.
resident named to president's list at gonzaga university.
"angela xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx, a junior from spokane, wa, was among 713 students named to the gonzaga university president's list for fall semester.
Congratulations, TR. I hope your daughter continues her academic success (I hope she's smart enough to know her men's basketball team has run out of Cinderella trips to the NCAA's ).
What is her major? She didn't earn that 3.7+ in basket weaving, did she?
well everyone thanks to many of your comments and urgings i started my investigation to find the "truth" about the wtbts.
today, i wrote two letters to the united nations and i finally ordered crisis of conscience.
if any of you have any more suggestions or comments please reply.. .
Good for you Sandy, I can guarantee you that you will not regret this decision.
I was more shocked than anything when I found out the truth about "the truth". It was somewhat hard to believe that so much of what you learned and believed to be founded in fact could be so wrong. But anyone who respects truth and facts has to accept what is found, and now I am mentally free of the religion, thank goodness. I hope you have a good time searching, and keep us posted about your progress.
once again, my wife left some of her wt literature within easy reach of yours truly, ostensibly in the hope that i'll pick it up and reappraise.
it's bookmarked with the current week's study material; anf frankly, if anything can reinforce my inclination to stay away, it's this drivel.
does it not dawn on any of these that all this hallucinogenic blather about 1918, 1919, 1922, etc.
Disturbing indeed.
I know the three old guys to the right are George Gangas, John Booth, and of course Fred Franz, but who is that guy in the cream suit to the far left, anyway? I wonder if the two smiling African women are aware of the Society's past comments on black people? That woman with the fake smile doesn't look very indian to me.
here is the letter of disassociation of one who was "my best" student when serving the borg.
we studied together for more than 2 years.
she got baptized and was doing pioneering hours slaving the borg.since my disassociation she has been scrutinizing the borg and she has been out for a while.now she is keen to disassociate herself from this cult.. so, here is her letter, and i hope that it can serve as an example for those who think about doing the same.. 1 march 2003. .
Great letter overall (excellent writing style), though I would have left out the thing about subliminal messages, since I know of no proof of this.
Sandy, a short answer to your question is probably the most simple answer; namely that the belief about the U.N. isn't that important (a la the blood issue). I don't doubt that, despite their severe dillusions, the GB really thinks that they do represent god, so if they thought the UN really was the tool of Satan, they wouldn't have been associated with it (hint: the whole foundation upon which the "UN is evil" thing is built upon is not really bible based, unless you take an a priori stance to believe anything the Society says).
By joining up with the U.N., the Society was attempting to seem more "normal" to the world. As you may or may not know, in some foreign countries, various governments are starting to crack down on religions that are viewed as cults, and the JW's fall under said rubric for several obvious reasons. By being a UN NGO, the Watchtower was hoping that countries like France would "give them a break" so to speak, by showing the countries that they were "mainstream" and did participated in things that helped others. The Society has also engaged in several interfaith conferences as well, most likely for the above mentioned reasons. Just do a quick search on this site; type in "United Nations", or "NGO" and see what comes up, several former threads have addressed this topic exhaustively.
over dinner yesterday in a restaraunt my boyfriend proposed to me.
it was an unexpected moment for me on valentine's day.
didn't know what to expect.
Congratulations, Preston.
Hopefully the happiness you are now experiencing in your relationship will last for years to come.