"Re: Do you have a problem with grammar ?"
followed by
"For those who have spelling problems you can go to Google and down load their tool bar"
oldflame please note the following:
gramĀ·mar (gram'?r) pronunciation
1. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.
spellĀ·ing (spel'ing) pronunciation
1. The forming of words with letters in an accepted order; orthography.
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
Do you have a problem with grammar ?
by oldflame infor those who have spelling problems you can go to google and down load their tool bar.
it has spell check in it and works pretty easy.
then you will no longer have to listen to us that bitch about spelling.
What would you do...
by MsMcDucket inif someone showed up at your door broke down from being shunned?
would you take them in?
kick them out?
My father a good christian(non-JW) took in two homeless JWs as the JW community was not interested in showing christian empathy.
This example has had a deep influence on me. -
Do you consider posting here as "Therapy" for you?
by JH in.
is this place therapy for you, or just a place to mingle?
Not sure if I can say I'm here for therapy as I left them over 20 years ago. I went through the emotional roller coaster years ago. I used to have nightmares of armagedon and that I was going to get it. Had this site been around then I think I would have recovered much sooner. But to tell you truth I don't know if I would have been open minded enough to use it.
I like the community and banter here - it's full of intelligent interesting folk. -
by Narkissos ini was thinking of an approximate reversal of force's thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/105552/1.ashx):.
if something happened which proved beyond any doubt that god (or gods) cannot exist, silencing forever all claims for realistic belief in an objective divinity, shattering even the uncertainty of agnosticism, would you start being interested in theology?.
i don't mean to discuss the probability of the assumption: it is very unlikely.
" would you start being interested in theology?"
Yes but only if billions of people still believed in one religion or another and I was interested in theology. Theology would be a window into the inner workings of belief and how cultures and communities are affected by it and ultimately function. This is still a worthwhile persuit even if you personally know for a fact that God does not exist. -
What is something that you consider attractive, and unattractive?
by free2beme inin human sexuality, we all have things that turn us on and things that turn us off, things that attract us and things that don't.
often people think it is all about what you see in advertising, but often it is smaller things we think less of and yet it dominates our sex drive.
for example, in a case study we did, we found that a lot of people would immediately answer things like "eyes" or "legs" and yet as we drove deeper into their answers, we found that eyes and legs were not what attracted people.
To All Women,
From what I've read on this thread I get the impression that male physical looks are not the first thing on your list. Am I right concluding this?
If I am right, then why is it that I always see good looking women with good looking men? And why is it that I can never attract a good looking woman? I'm very average looking.
If looks aren't so important to women then why do they adore and spend so much on clothes fashion and make-up? Surely external appearance is of critical importance to women. If that is so then where does that leave us guys as far as women are concerned? -
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
It a case of the lesser evil.
If Democrates means no neocon zionist nazis who are fast steering us to WWIII then they are by miles the better choice. The voting public had better wake up to that. -
Pictures- Just for fun
by RichieRich ini was just browsing through my files, and came across a few cool / neat / weird photos i thought i'd share.
these are from my trip to bethel in mid-april of last year.. .
there i was, right outside hq.
I don't want to be a party pooper but I think that they put, "Read your bible daily" lower down, because it is more visible to more people. Who walks neck cranked back looking up 20 floors? At the risk of being lambasted here I think they got it right!!
Iran: Your Next !!!
by prophecor inare you watching world events unfold before your eyes?
iraq is receiving a liberation from ancient backward politics and a ruthless criminaly minded dictatorship.
boy geoge has stuck his foot in the middle east, to the amazement of virtually the entire planet.
"Dont you mean 1$ per gallon gasoline?"
Exactly, SUVs run on the cheap. -
Now That The "Hope" Of Paradise Is Gone-----Now What???
by minimus inare you aimless?
are you happier?
more confused?
" Though a major selling point for them it has no biblical support."
I thought the bible spoke about an earthly paradise that the JWs often like to depict as smiley people with children hugging lions, and sheep nearby thanking their lucky stars they are on nobodies menu anymore? -
Now That The "Hope" Of Paradise Is Gone-----Now What???
by minimus inare you aimless?
are you happier?
more confused?
" Now That The "Hope" Of Paradise Is Gone-----Now What???"