Welcome jojochan
JoinedPosts by Spectrum
hi everyone :)
by jojochan injust wanted to drop a line and say "hi".
i too am a long time lurker that "came out" sort of speaking.
(' bout 2 yrs!
How Can A Parent Watch Another Parent Torture A Child To Death?
by minimus inin nyc, there's a case of a little girl who was regularly beaten and "disciplined" y her stepfather with the mother's knowlege, explaining that here 8 (?
) year old daughter was at times "insolent and sneaky".
eventually, the man tortured her to death.
There is a difference between being tortured and beaten to death by a psycho and a child allowed/left to die in "peace". I'm sure some of those JW parents would swap places with their kids if the could. -
When did it dawn that parents are fallible?
by Spectrum inhow old were you when you realized that your parents were fallible and, that lastest slap you got was unjust?
for me i realised at about 9 years old, neither of my parents understood fairness.
in my family there were the haves and the have nots.
" It was just important to stay out of her smacking range."
I know how you feel. When I realised I was getting beatings unjustly and things really weren't my fault I learned to hide under a table or behind a sofa until my dad calmed down cos he wasn't too choosy about which one of us he wacked. Basically guilty by association.
When he had his first heart attack my brother and I (in our early teens) were mocking him. I feel great shame for that now because he worked his fingers to the bone for us.
It's taught me to be consistent and easy on youngsters. I bet you are extremely loving to your daughter.
My father ironed himself out as we grew older but my mother I believe is still a bit crazy.
((((LoverOfTruth)))) I can't imagine what it is like to grow up in that environment. -
Governing Body in the early Church???
by greendawn inback in early christain times did god really have an organisation with a governing body that gave to the r&f "new light" and "spiritual food" in due time, as the wts claims?
did that early church operate like the wts does today?
did the apostles behave like the gb does today?
" In 2003, Rome sent a full apology letter to Patriarch Bartholomew of the Greek Orthodox Church for the schism in 1054 "
Does that mean that the Catholics accept that doctrinaly the Orthodox are closer to the truth? -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
"Is it calloused to put it in such harsh terms as, "They deserved it?" Yes, I believe it is. "
Because you are a well meaning kind hearted person you will see my nephew's response as harsh and callous but I really beg to differ with you because we are talking about like for like, Jehovah and Jehovah's Witnesses.
His comments were based on the standards of the organisation that they all belonged to, those that fell for it and those that didn't. He did not judge them any harsher than he would have been judged by them had the tables been turned.
Callous and harsh. I don't think so. Why? Because that these are Jehovah's people through and through and Jehovah doesn't take prisoners. You don't get much of a second chance with Jehovah. He is judgmental to the nth degree.
" Questioning the motives of others with the intent of demeaning their reputation is called slander,"
I don't think he was trying to do that. I gave him the senario, "they sold up and got to preaching at the last minute before the end", and the first obvious assumption that came to him was they got what they deserved. Pretty much Jehovah God style antics.
" Those people who made changes were gullible, and/or worried about their own hides and/or were going along with the JW crowd."
I agree. It's ironic that JWs teach not to follow the crowd! -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
Nice one. Your are implying my nephew was right.
Would you say these pioneers lost the plot or tried to plot for better reward?
Logging off now. Back in a few hours. -
Governing Body in the early Church???
by greendawn inback in early christain times did god really have an organisation with a governing body that gave to the r&f "new light" and "spiritual food" in due time, as the wts claims?
did that early church operate like the wts does today?
did the apostles behave like the gb does today?
"Rome and the Eastern Orthodox are talking reunification where they would end total Papal Monarchy, and resume Ecumenical Councils."
What are the chances of this happening?
I can't see the Italians giving up on the status afforded them by hosting the papacy. -
When did it dawn that parents are fallible?
by Spectrum inhow old were you when you realized that your parents were fallible and, that lastest slap you got was unjust?
for me i realised at about 9 years old, neither of my parents understood fairness.
in my family there were the haves and the have nots.
" Then he was diagnosed with cancer. And then I realised he was fallible."
Do you mean mortal? -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
this thread is becoming interesting. With some things I've said in this thread I feel like an apostate to the apostate cause but my bottom line is getting to the truth of things so I don't care.
"However, that doesn't mean that the witnesses at that time weren't misled by the FDS."
Do you mean they were actually told in print to pioneer because that could mitigate the sycophantic charge against them? -
1975 - serves you right. No extra brownie points sycophants
by Spectrum inthis issue came up with my jw nephew(17).
i jumped at the chance at using it to prove that the org is a fraud but then the focus changed slightly.
i said, "do you know how many people's lives were disrupted by this event.
Thanks and surprised at your response. I haven't yet read anything from the current responses to make me think my nephew was out of line. There's still time.