Cheers V - Love The Sun headline. . .
LOL @ Nathan - Rugby Bats? There'll be people gunning for him, but if they touch him they'll probably end up with a custodial sentence for assault: ironically.
the wife of vile jehovahs witness paedo michael porter vowed to stand by her man yesterday.
porter, 38, who abused a baby and 12 other young boys, was released by a soft judge last month.. the sun tracked him down to his new home, near where he strolled hand in hand with loyal wife joanne.
Cheers V - Love The Sun headline. . .
LOL @ Nathan - Rugby Bats? There'll be people gunning for him, but if they touch him they'll probably end up with a custodial sentence for assault: ironically.
nebraska man sues god12 news/ associated presss.
sept. 17, 2007 09:18 pm .
Jehovah should get that lawyer who defended Michael Jackson.
something is very very wrong with our world.
or am i imagining it and things really aren't that bad?.
personally i think there are issues being played out about which we know nothing, we can only guess at ( i don't think it's the issue of universal sovereignty).
Hi Bjorn Borg
Being in the mindset that you know the truth is mentally asphyxiating in my opinion. Outside that box I can explore and learn, hypothesize and dream. I don’t know truth, but to be honest I like it that way. When you look for something it’s an adventure. When you’ve found it, it’s time to stop playing and go indoors.
it feels like being in the twilight zone right now!
what kind of choice is is when we are put in the position of choosing between loved ones and our freedom??
i am so angry right now, i feel like screaming in frustration.
Maddie you have every right to be angry. A multi-national publishing company decides how families function and communicate. They tell people who and who they may not talk to and socialise with. I don't understand how they can get away with it under current human rights legislation.
having been a long time dub - from the age of 5 to the age of 48 - i did not ever plan on retiring in 'this system of things'.
by the time i figured it out, it was a bit late to develop a career plan, get an education, and get the retirement savings in order.. there is still some time - and we will do what we can to assure the best retirement we can.
i am currently 52. but one of the options i am considering is a move to an economically viable location.
Hi Jeff
Not been to Thailand although a very good friend has just gone there for 6 weeks. I'm off to Borneo for the first time this Winter as my best friend (he's English) has just moved from Australia to there. I believe a lot of Aussies go there to live, but know next to nothing about the place. I can't wait and if I remember will let you know it goes.
I think it works best if both people in the relationship are weak.
first off, let me apologize in advance if this subject has been discussed before.
i have been reading this board for 6-8 months now and though i try to keep up with the posts (as well as catching up on past ones ) there is just so much info on here that i might have missed it.
anyway, on a previous post i mentioned that there are some really sharp people on this forum; people whose bible knowledge greatly exceeds that of anyone in brooklyn.
TD exactly right and well put.
It's all a fantasy I'm afraid . . .
Faithful and Discreet Slave versus The Evil Slave - this time it's personal.
hello all ex-jw's long time lurker first time posting.
obviously my name is not my real name but i don't want to reveal my real name for fear of shunning obviously.
i have really appreciated much of what this site offers in vast amounts of information that is valuable to me.
Lloyd hello and welcome.
Thanks for that video link.
All the best
why didn't i follow the way of jesus and go to bethel?
along with my other topic dealing with my searching for my place in this town, i come across plenty of people who follow their parents, go to church, and vote for bush and all that boring stuff.
at subway today, there was a large group of happy christians ordering their food.
Tsunami you need to be true to yourself dude. If you're a free thinker and have no interest in organised religion, then the last thing you should be doing is hanging out with people who live by it. Say you did find a girl who you thought was amazing and fell in love with. Firstly there'd be immediate issues of honesty and integrity since you'd found her by "going undercover". How easy would it be to tell her way down the line that you'd been lying about your faith? Secondly what happens if you marry this girl and the situation requires you "live a lie" or have ongoing conflicts over religion? It's not worth it. It's a big wide world so look for a soul mate you can completely be yourself with. Jgnat may be right, try atheist singles
All the best
nwt (acts 7:55-60) 55 but he, being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of gods glory and of jesus standing at gods right hand, 56 and he said: "look!
i behold the heavens opened up and the son of man standing at gods right hand.
"57 at this they cried out at the top of the voice and put their hands over their ears and rushed upon him with one accord.
Very interesting thread. Thanks people.