Just a rumour.......One of the GB is one too. Any idea who?
Any updates on this one? At any rate this thread is worth resurrecting as an old worthy due to its tabloidesque heading.
in a congregation some years ago, the elders had a major issue to deal with.
a transexxual woman became interested in studying the bible with the witnesses.
she was invited to go to the meetings.
Just a rumour.......One of the GB is one too. Any idea who?
Any updates on this one? At any rate this thread is worth resurrecting as an old worthy due to its tabloidesque heading.
why do atheists try to change believers?
why do believers try to convert atheists?
why do we feel compelled to evangelize, proselyltize, convert, and change others politically, religiously, culturally, etc.?
It can I suppose be about the insecurity of the converter, but I think more often it's an altruistic urge. Atheists in my experience want humanity to stop stunting itself with what they believe to be a nonsensical anachronism. The negative iimpact of religion is after all very evident. Believers on the other hand usually have their instruction book which tells them that their god requires urgent conversion. Both sets feel as though they are doing their duty, for want of a better word.
we went shopping this afternoon, my two little girls and i, on the way home, they were both excitedly talking about halloween.
my youngest, who is seven, lets out this comment that nearly had me veering off the road with laughter.
she said, "i know what i want to be for halloween already, a jehovah's witness" well, i started to laugh right away, my eldest girl asked her why, she says, "they knock on people's door all the time and they are really scary".
Hehe thanks for the morning laugh Sweetstuff.
i just had to send a letter to the editor (see my next post) after the waynesville, north carolina local newspaper published this lovely little puff piece about jehovah's witnesses.. the last parts about blood transfusion and the "loving practice" of disfellowshipping were so absurd!.
link to the article: click here.
who are the jehovah's witnesses?
Nice one Gopher.
Does this seem a reasonable communication? - -
Your article Who Are The Jehovah's Witnesses offered a cosy overview of what I consider to be an unpleasant little cult. Regardless of their teachings, which focus more on the whims of the Watchtower magazine editors rather than the Bible, the organisation needs to be carefully scrutinised by anyone considering an association with them. The internet contains a wealth of information, but why not read Crisis of Conscience by former Watchtower supremo Raymond Franz? Once a member of the Jehovah's Witness elite Governing Body, Franz exposes the cult for what it is. There are many reasons to steer clear of this group, including their inhuman shunning policy and their lethal and confused blood doctrine. I sincerely wish that your article hasn't assisted in giving them the veneer of respectability they strive to cultivate.
Yours etc. . .
mine was an old fiat 127, i bought it 1983 and it was at least fifteen years old then!
the seats were vinyl and there were no rear seatbelts so i could send my girlfriend and her sister flying with each bend in the road!
it wouldn't go above 55mph and was rattling like rollercoaster when it finally got there.. the rear window fell out and it finally croaked in puff of blue/black smoke.
John then start a What Was Your First Truck thread. ;-)
mine was an old fiat 127, i bought it 1983 and it was at least fifteen years old then!
the seats were vinyl and there were no rear seatbelts so i could send my girlfriend and her sister flying with each bend in the road!
it wouldn't go above 55mph and was rattling like rollercoaster when it finally got there.. the rear window fell out and it finally croaked in puff of blue/black smoke.
I saved hard for my first car, while getting around on a motorcycle. Then I purchased a used Alfa Romeo 1300GT. Fabulous car. .
do you talk to more people now about the wbt$?....than you did as an "active jehovah`s witness?
I witnessed with some enthusiasm; I anti-witness with tons of enthusiasm.
i don't have much time to post as i'm headed back to the hospital, but my father collapsed this morning and had to be rushed to the hospital.
in a nutshell: he needs a blood transfusion as his hemoglobin is dropping (bleeding internally), but thanks to this fucking cult, that's not an option...........he'll accept the fractions but those bastards from the blood liaison committee have already shown up to ensure he doesn't cave............... for those of you who still believe, i'm asking you to say a prayer for my dad........and if anyone from crooklyn is reading this: you better hope my father doesn't die due to your fucked up rules, .
Mary -
I'm so glad that your father is improving and I hope he continues to make a full recovery.
I could go on and on about the HLC and often have in the past. Their whole raison d'etre is corrupt in the extreme. They are truly "..men kept for unnatural purposes.."
Take care
it's been pointed out to me that i post too much atheist info.i hope this is less offensive.
commentary on d. james kennedy's book why i believealex matulich .
d. james kennedy is the founder of coral ridge ministries in florida.
Nvr cheers for that.
I tend to visit this site in a quick skim and run capacity, ocassionally offering a platitude which quickly slips into oblivion. I'm a a pretty busy guy so would you recommend I took the rest of the day off to read this, or maybe you could precis in less than 500 words?
All the best
well, that's where this idiot tells my friend i am getting my information.
so when did "apostates" rate a whole class of their own?
i have never heard about this before.. this idiot is a jw wannabe.
Evil Slave Class is somewhere between Economy and Business Class. It would be usual to pick this option when travelling by air to an Apostofest.