If for no other reason it would help in reaching into new territories if the U N were on board. Exactly the reason many people suck up to people or nations in power. It's all about how they can use that friendship to further their own agenda.
Posts by alanv
United Nations mentioned in Watchtower publications
by Magi inhi everyone, i have some questions for anyone that can answer.
i've been doing some research in the whole united nations scandal with the watchtower organization.
and i am wondering what the society's view on the un is as of late.
JW conman pretended to be a successful butcher to commit a £3.3million tax fraud
by sizemik inthey teach them well in wt land .
walter meaty: fraudster butcher in 3.3million tax con.
gary turner convinced people he ran a meat wholesalers famous for its sausage rolls but the firm had been bust for 14 years.. his walter mitty-type fantasy was in fact a ruse to rip off the taxpayer by continuing to claim vast sums of vat from hmrc on the basis he was still in charge of a going concern.. and the cash he gained funded a luxury lifestyle.. when turners detached house was raided, revenue officers found five luxury cars with personalised number plates and a watch collection worth more than 35,000, including two rolexes valued at 17,420.. a 4,600 juke box and three guitars costing 2,000 were also discovered.. it also emerged he spent 7,000 on family holidays to spain and used more taxpayer money to build a new house with a top of the range kitchen and bathroom as well as two other properties.. turner, 47 a jehovahs witness, was declaring huge profits from his non-existent business and claiming back tens of thousands of pounds every year.. .
I expect he learnt his tax evasion from his mother organisation. They managed to get out of paying tax on their literature some time ago.
Crisis of Conscience Chapter 6: Double Standards
by Celestial inthe pdf of crisis of conscience is available online.
i jumped to chapter 6, double standards and examined the situation regarding jehovah's witnesses position in malawi and the mandatory requirement to buy a malawi congress party (mcp) card.
i may have missed something, but it should be glaringly obvious what took place here.
As regards Malawi, the society over the years showed how joining any political party was a no no. Individuals have been disfellowshipped in the past for doung just that. So the Malawian witnesses new the societies view. They did not need to be told what to do.
It is like a child being taught right from wrong. The child does not need to check with the parent on every right or wrong decision they have to make in the future.
What do you think would have happened to witnesses who actually bought a membershiop card? Would they be viewed as witnesses in good standing, because their consciences allowed them to buy the card?
No they would not. Witnesses all over the world have to agree to follow the societies unique teachings and doctrines. If they do not, they can no longer call themselves JWs. The Malawi witnesses new the governing bodies view on this and they went along with it.
If the society changed their stance on this, then so would witnesses around the world. They all follow the lead of the governing body, whether they fully agree with it or not.
Newspaper article in Sydney Sunday paper about ex-jw poisoning elder
by etna init was in the sunday telegragh on page 18 "a murder attempt in chuch".
someone that was disfellowshiped has been trying to poison an elder and his family in adelaide.
i certainly don't agree with this at all, but i do understand this man doing something like this.
Certainly anyone writing should ensure they do not condone the man for trying to poison the elder and his family. Two wrongs do not make a right.
There are many people in the world that have suffered at the hands of others, that does not mean they should take the law into their own hands.
There are other legal ways that this person can use to expose what has happened to them.
Transplants and blood question
by WildeLover inthe understanding of the society was that transplants were a conscience matter from 1967 til 1973?
then were forbidden from 1973 til 1981?.
however was it possible to have a transplant without any blood transfusions?
Over the years countless witnesses have died because the society had decided that transplants, vaccinations and any type of blood transfusion was wrong.
Thankfully most of that has changed now but that will not help the thousands that have died through misinformation.
It makes no sense whatsoever that a" CREATOR" would only communicate with a minority of the population then put the onus on them to convey this life saving message to the WHOLE wide world
by smiddy ini now find it idiotic that i could ever beleive the bible to be the inspired word of god.....,throughout the bible "god"has only dealt with a few of his favoured spokespersons to deliver his messages to a minority populace.individuals at first,..... then, patriarchs,nomads,a small nation,ignoring all other nations that had sprung up.......,abandoning his chosen nation,sending his "son"to a small nation, only giving them his pearls of wisdom,much of what was not even recorded for prosperity and remember he never wrote a word,it was left up to other imperfect humans to record what he was supposed to have said,just a smidgen......,again ignoring the bulk of humankind keeping them in ignorance of his plan for universal salvation,leaving it all up to imperfect humans to spread this message of salvation, whom he has already condemned for their sinfullness and disobedience.i just find it so unbeleivable.
in the 6000 years of recorded history only a fraction of the earths population,maybe less than a third have ever heard of the god of the bible, or his so called plan to redeem humankind ,thats millions and millions of people.
( india,arabic,afghanistan,pakistan etc.etc.).
When pressed JWs have to admit at least half the world has never ever heard the JW message.
Prediction in "Bible Teach" book is already a false prophecy
by hamsterbait inthey warn the person actually reading the book that they should heed their warnings of armageddon, as it "will come in your lifetime".
since they now pin it on the life of anybody who reads the book, only one of those who read it needs to die to prove them wrong.. if i die it didnt come in my lifetime neither!
don t these clowns really think about some of the stuff they print?.
The sheep are constantly programmed for the society to change things as light increases. They would not bat an eyelid if that quote was pointed out to them.
They are also available on the societies 2011 Watchtower library CD, but only as single copies. Depends what you want them for.
2011 service report more details from jw archive
by alanv ini know that many will have seen the site jw-archive.org before, but i have only just discovered it.
someone has taken the trouble to give more details about the 2011 service report.. for instance it shows the actual increase or decrease in publishers not just the rounded up or down figures.
it also shows percentage increases for certain areas like europe or africa.. apologies if this has already been shown, but i found it very informative and interesting.. i can't get a link to it to work, but to get there, copy and paste the web address below, then select ' updated full report via pdf'.
I know that many will have seen the site jw-archive.org before, but I have only just discovered it. Someone has taken the trouble to give more details about the 2011 service report.
For instance it shows the actual increase or decrease in publishers not just the rounded up or down figures. It also shows percentage increases for certain areas like Europe or Africa.
Apologies if this has already been shown, but I found it very informative and interesting.
I can't get a link to it to work, but to get there, copy and paste the web address below, then select ' updated full report via PDF'
Have fun
Worried about my friend
by pharmer ini have a friend who has been a jw for a couple years (baptized).
she might have to undergo gallbladder surgery.
i'm worried for her (about the blood issues)and have made that known.
I had my gall bladder out a couple of years ago. It was done by key hole surgery and is a very common operation with minimal chance that a blood transfusion is needed.