People used to say to me regularly 'I'm not interested in Jehovah's Witnesses. I would say innocently. We're not here to talk about them. We're here to talk about the bible.
Yeh right.
as in..."hi, my name is soa fraid and i hope you will accept my offer for a free home bible study.
the reason you should accept this free offer is that our leaders, the men who have compiled the material for this study receive direct communication from god, and he speaks to no other religion on earth.
they then write down what god has told them to, and publish it in a zillion languages so that we can teach people what god really meant in his new world translation of the holy may refer to it as the bible.
People used to say to me regularly 'I'm not interested in Jehovah's Witnesses. I would say innocently. We're not here to talk about them. We're here to talk about the bible.
Yeh right.
for the last 13 years, we haven't attended and didn't even care about it.
but since we became card carrying members of jwn in september, we have an interest in what are friends here on jwn are doing.. for us?
we will be watching 'dancing with the stars'.
In the UK it's Eastenders night so I shall be watching that. Also be hoping the memorial partakers goes up again and looking forward to the JWs sq uirm in embarrasment when the figures are published. Remember this from WT 1980 October 15th p31
And if the wicked system of this world survived until the turn of the century, which is highly improbable in view of world trends and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, there would still be survivors of the World War I generation. However, the fact that their number is dwindling is one more indication that “the conclusion of the system of things” is moving fast toward its end.
I would say no. The whole programme is based on good or bad luck. Anything to do with lady luck is a JW no no.
what's the betting certain people will be getting very excited again.
What's the betting certain people will be getting very excited again
..... just don't trip over those 7 billion cadavers on your way in!.
There was a really good programme on BBC 1 in England last night. It was called Inside the perfect predator. It was about the four greatest predators on the planet, namely the cheettah, a great white shark, a Nile crocodile and a peregrine falcon. It showed in slow motion and very close up what happened as they gave chase for a kill.
How anyone can think these ones will eat vegatation in a new order really must have a screw loose.
They spend their whole life tearing other creatures apart for a meal.
To be honest I felt sick just watching it but there is no way these creatures are ever going to eat leaves and apples.
one year in jail for metro vancouver man who circumcised son at homeby andrea woo, vancouver sunmarch 25, 2010comments (46)metro vancouver -- a metro vancouver man who circumcised his four-year-old son at home with a razor blade and blood coagulant meant for horses has been sentenced to one year in jail followed by two years probation.
in april 2007, the man, identified only as djw due to a publication ban, gave his son, dj, honey wine before placing him on garbage bags on the kitchen floor.
djw then cut away the boy's foreskin with a razor blade.. .
This really turned my stomach just thinking about him performing this.
And yet presumably this happened all the time in olden times, particularly with the Jews.
Surely there must have been problems then on a much grander scale.
i spoke to someone who was my best friend almost 10 years ago when we were still kids (late teens and early 20s).
he wasn't a jw, but unfortunately got interested in it due to me.
i studied with him for a while and tried my hardest to pull him into the cult.
You need to remember that you were a victim as well. Your motive was good, because you believed you were doing the right thing.
My best friend got me into the organisation, but now 30 years later he is out and so am I. I don't feel anything but friendship with this guy, I am just so glad that he got out as well.
the next new light?.
ok a bit of idle speculation here feel free to add your own thoughts.. a few changes that the wts might make over the next 5 years and my odds:.
144,000 is symbolic odds 2/1.
I think we need to remember that they are still making money on the magazines. Many have suggested that since the donation arrangment came in they could be getting paid twice for the same magazine. Firstly when the witlless picks up the mags then secondly when it is placed on the door.
I can't see that combining them would save much money. They would still be spending time writing them, still using the same amount of ink and paper, and still delivering them. These costs stay the same.
Cleaely if you were to offer just a 32 page WT the donation would be smaller. Also when you are printing in the millions it makes the producing of one magazine a few cents (or pence in Britain) So big profit margin.
i get tired of hearing the faulty reasoning that there has to be an earthly resurrection because the bible promises a paradise earth.. those are two completely different things.. the bible only mentions a heavenly resurrection and resurrection is never mentioned in conjunction with paradise earth.
"how then could there be a paradise earth if everyone goes to heaven?
the earth would be empty, dummy!".
The reasoning is of course Jehovah is to shortly destroy 99.9% of the human race so that would leave loads of room for an earthly resurrection.
If you look at it that way you can see where their false reasoning is coming from.
jehovah's witnesses news, library, history, videos, talks, illustrationsinvitation for memorial day [hd]we would like to invite everyone for this very special occasion remembering jesus death also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: this means my body which is to be given in your behalf.
keep doing this in remembrance of me.
luke 22:19 ... when: march 30,2010 at 7pm where: kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses brgy .san anton san pablo city length:2:22
I can say very happily that I will not be going there this year on any other year. And I will encourage anyone else I know to avoid it like the plague.
It is simply a massive recruiting night to get new members.