I really wish the society would compile those figures. Unfortunately I guess that will never happen as the sheep would then see how useless the door to door work is.
Posts by alanv
How many new baptisms are family members?
by ilikecheese ini don't know if there is any hard evidence on this or anything, but about how many of the new baptisms each year are children of jws, other family members of jws, or acquaintances?
how many are actual new people who have no ties to them at all?
it seems like the largest number are kids who are sort of pressured into it.
Biblical precedence for opposing viewpoints within the Congregation
by Momma-Tossed-Me inoften the wtbts uses the gathering of older men in jerusalem as support for the organizational structure used today.
this essay will examine the validity of that claim by way of logic and reason.. .
logically an argument could be formulated that this meeting was not a regularly scheduled or organized group that held weekly or monthly meetings to discuss things related to the early christian congregation but that is a thesis to be explored on another day.. .
Yes thank momma, really interesting. It just shows how all of us should read an account properly and all the way through, not just pick out odd verses as the gov body have done.
Disfellowshipped man tries to poison Elder and his family.
by jemba inthis story happened in my hometown in a hall i helped build years ago.
its no wonder this sort of thing happens, this guy was probably desperate and vunerable when he got df'd.
no pity for this stupid elder, but the poor kids.
I can understand How the man got enraged with the elder, but there is no excuse to poison the family. What he did was 10 times worse than what happened to him. After all he did not have to get disfellowshipped, all it needed was a bit of repentance and he would have stayed a member of the cong. Then if he really waned to get out, he could simply just fade, and at least that way people will still talk to you if that is what he wanted.
Blood transfusion DF/DA
by allyouneedislove ini was reading the following page:.
can a jw still be df or da for taking a blood transfusion, if they are not "repentant"?.
My understanding is that it is still against the religion. If it is not covered by the various changes they have made to the blood doctrine, then a person is actually disassociating themselves. They are in effect saying I am no longer willing to go along with what God's organisation says. Particularly if they were baptised after 1985 when the baptism question included ' are you happy to be called a JW and work along with the spirit led organisation.'
In veiw of the future prospects for the remnant of the 144000 still living,wouldnt you think they would have a greater role in the running of a congregation ?
by smiddy ini just commented on another thread about the 144000 and thought it deserved a thread of it`s own seeing how important their appointment is .. those who are selected to rule with christ jesus in heaven are given immortality.
if you or i were selected to survive armaggedon we would not be given immortality , so obviously they are considered a cut above the rest of humanity.. so my question is ,why doesnt jehovah`s spirit directed organization on earth give these people the respect and dignity that jehovah god is going to bestow on them in the future , while they are yet present on earth , instead of ignoring them , and treating them as a lesser class of person than a pioneer ,ministerial servant, or elder.. and suggesting they may be influenced by prior beleifs or have mental problems doesnt say much for their bible education instruction , after all these are dedicated baptized publishers who are counted as the annointed remnant.. smiddy.
I know the society have said they do not keep track of proffesed members of the anointed, but surely they can get or have already the imformation from the publishers record card. Ceryainly a circuit overseer would know the names so why not the organisation.
Huxley on how to control followers
by jwfacts ini was just directed to a great website lettersofnote.com that contains many famous and interesting letters.
one is from huxley to orwell, and displayed at 1984 vs brave new world.
huxley made the following prediction in 1949 on how a government can control its followers, which seems to align with the methods used by the governing body.. .
They are good techniques, but even the Watchtower org can't hold on to it's youngsters once they come of age. You may remember that it is said that JWs have one of the most moblie religions. Meaning that most who are brought up according to the organisations rules , leave sometime in their adulthood.
WTF Jesus doing last 98 years?
by Evolutionary inhey, i left when i was 19 about 21 years ago over evolution.
dad encouraged me to look up the references in _life: how did it get here?
by creation or evolution?_.
You could also ask the question what on earth are 144000 going to be doing during the 1000 year reign.
If God is the creator he can do anything in the blink of an eyelid. No need to have 144000 little helpers.
If the jw.org website is the start of the internet age for the WTS when will they sack all printing staff ?
by mP inwith the new website coming, does this mean they can fire many or most of their printing production staff ?
should these same staff be worried ?.
Any company that can get the same results on the internet as it did when it had physical buildings to maintain, are going to be a lot better off.
Amazon for instance is a massive sucess story not only for books but for many other things as well. If the society can get their flock to download the magazines themselves that would be a great result for them, and huge saving.
JWFacts website is still topper the lists
by ramerico inthe jwfacts web site is still topper the lists of informative and objective websites about the watchtower jehovah witnesses.. seven years and still running strong.. .
It really is a great website for information, and most importantly statements there can be backed up with facts. I often go there myself to check things. Keep uop the good work Paul.
Need some help guys on blood
by alanv inrecently on the topix website we have talking about blood transfusions.. it has been asserted by one ex witness that jws are now allowed to store their blood providing it is for a limited time.
for example the blood could be taken from the patient sent to the lab to have it cleaned or whatever, and then returned to the patient.
the november 2006 kingdom ministry was cited to back this up as well as a watchtower from 2000. my question is, are jws now allowed to store their blood for a current limited time?.
Thanks so much everyone. As usual though the society change something and most of the sheep have no idea whatsoever about it. I know if I asked my JW son he would not have a clue about current thinking on blood.