I love the way the society said that the answers to the school questions need to be 'In harmony with our present understanding'
In other words it could change tomorrow, but today this is the answer. lol
I love the way the society said that the answers to the school questions need to be 'In harmony with our present understanding'
In other words it could change tomorrow, but today this is the answer. lol
i guess i'll never find out what it is like to fade slowly since i chose the instant route.. just wondering which one is easier, emotionally.. .
I am sure the instant fade is better if you can deal with all your 'friends' trying to find out why you have stopped attending etc. If you can deal with that without slagging off the organisation you will get away with it. However it is very hard not to say something to someone about your true feelings.
I took the slow route as I know if I confronted the elders or others I would not be able to stop myself telling them exactly why I left and all the things I now disagree with. My son is still in and I need and want to have a normnal relationship with him.
i read the postings about 1975 and have the same feeling about the 1988 - 1989 period, the time of my baptism.
i remember the convention that year with the release of the revelation book.
with the assisi religion leaders call for peace and unity, and the events in the ussr and the release of the revelation book, i was thinking the end was very near and it would be a miracle that we could reach 1990.. so i was full of spirit, just becoming a ms and a pioneer.
Hi Gorby, I was around in 1975 so got totally caught up with the end is imminent feeling. I too was a pioneer and a mini servant. Strangly the Revelation book was really the beginning of my doubts about the org. You may remeber they have a go at everybody in the 7 bowles of God's wrath I believe. And when they started saying about certain assemblies being a fulfillment of bible prophesies regarding certain years, I new it was time to get out of this mad religion. Best thing I ever did!
I had not realized that she never got baptised. That is great news as she cannot be disfellowshipped, although I am sure witnesses would be told to shun her and to avoid looking at videos about her or with her in them.
no doubt ray franz is at the top.... paul grundy's web site jwfacts.com helped me the most!
thanks paul!!!.
randall watters from freeminds.org has got to be way up there.... who else?
The point is well made that whenever we speak against the society we need to use their own publications and their own words. I try to do that always. That way you cannot be accused of lying or that it is 'just your own view'
There are articles on everything out there and with a little research we can use the societies own words to expose them for what they are.
Thanks for posting. It was great to see the face behind the case. She seems like a great girl. I notice it says part 1, so I am assuming there is more, maybe the question and answer session that probably followed her talk.
Just had a look at the English version and yes the claw is there.
I have seen some of these weird pictures before, but certainly that is a claw not a hand. I would love to know what current JWs make of it.
the wtbts filed an amicus brief in the u.s. supreme court case of jimmy swaggart v. board of equalization of california, and actually argued that swaggart should win this case.
in response to numerious requests i have received, here it is: .
Thanks for posting this, very interesting. In the Watchtower's defence the document does say twice that the society 'does not support either party in this case'
However their arguement is that it would be wrong for individual JW to have to pay sales tax. The arguement should have been about whether the Watchtower should pay sales tax. Although individual JWs may well give away some literature, the society had a fixed price that they charged the congregation members and there was no getting round that. I think the society realized that it was going to affect them rather than the individual JWs which is why in the end they went to the donation arrangement.
Talking about the affect on individual JWs was simply a redf herring which the court saw through.
*** g95 6/22 p. 3 predictions of the worlds end ***.
anyone read this article?.
i love how it mentions that end times prophecies have been around forever and they've all failed.. goes on to mention william miller and 1844. mentions harold camping lol.
I have not read the article but can imagine how it goes. They totally slag of others and completely miss the point that they are probably worse than anyone else when it comes to end times prophesies failing. Hypocrites.
Sorry should have read '95% of things'