blondie, that's true, I have heard of JWs eating tons of grapes. The only grape I like is the squeeze bottle jam for my toast, probably loaded with preservatives and all nutritional value diminished.
Posts by Cygnus
Witnesses have cure for cancer!
by gumby inyes- sir- e brothers and sisters......your skin cancer worries are over!
just promise you won't tell anyone cuz we don't want just anybody benifiting.. watchtower 1913 july 1 p. 200 a cure for surface cancer .
..." we have recently learned of a very effective and simple remedy for cancers which show themselves on the surface of the body.
Witnesses have cure for cancer!
by gumby inyes- sir- e brothers and sisters......your skin cancer worries are over!
just promise you won't tell anyone cuz we don't want just anybody benifiting.. watchtower 1913 july 1 p. 200 a cure for surface cancer .
..." we have recently learned of a very effective and simple remedy for cancers which show themselves on the surface of the body.
Well Derek, he does have a point. The same could be said for the "war on drugs." Americans ought to be ashamed that in 2006 we still waste so much money on pharmaceuticals and busting people for smoking grass (I know you're not American). This country should still be way ahead of where it is medically and medicinally. My hopes are that as I approach 60 years of age (only 25 years from now.... scary) that anti-aging methods and genetic restructuring of failed organs, etc. will be tested and made available.
Lucid Dreaming -- Ever done it? Can you do it at will?
by AlmostAtheist insomething tipped you off; a guy with a hat made of dead fish, your mom complimenting your clothing choice, wording on billboards change each time you look at them -- something that you know wouldn't happen in real life.. sometimes in dreams you just buy it, like it's perfectly normal to wear a fish hat.
but some lucky times you catch it, and then all bets are off!
fly, eat like a pig, kick puppies -- the sky's the limit!.
Yeah, they usually believe me and they either get weirded out or like I said, very sad. If they DON'T believe me and I'm really pissed at them, I can make them disappear. Then everybody else in the dream really take me seriously. Yeah, it's a god-complex of some sort. What I hate is when I'm in control of my dreams so I can remember them and it seems like days pass and when I wake up it's only been an hour. Exhausting, as lucid dreaming usually occurs in short spurts and then I wake up and the pattern goes on all night. If I get a solid 8-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep, I usually don't dream, or at least don't remember dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming -- Ever done it? Can you do it at will?
by AlmostAtheist insomething tipped you off; a guy with a hat made of dead fish, your mom complimenting your clothing choice, wording on billboards change each time you look at them -- something that you know wouldn't happen in real life.. sometimes in dreams you just buy it, like it's perfectly normal to wear a fish hat.
but some lucky times you catch it, and then all bets are off!
fly, eat like a pig, kick puppies -- the sky's the limit!.
Dave, whenever I die in my dreams I always wake up. It usually involves a car crash, or I'm driving a work truck and drive it off a bridge and fall 500 feet into a lake. Those are the dreams I can't quite control. But the ones I do control, when people treat me badly I tell them "Oh yeah? Well this is MY dream. And when I wake up you'll ALL be gone forever!" Then they get all sad and I try to console them..... sometimes that leads to sex with some hot girl, which Freud would have a field day with.
I usually have 4 types of lucid dreams: dreams about work, dreams about family, dreams about high school/college, and dreams about JW stuff like meetings or conventions. The work ones suck. The JW ones can be hilarious as I know I'm not supposed to be there and all sorts of craziness ensues to do my behavior. Yeah, we gotta yakk about this on the phone some time.
My Personal Ad - Update 11/4 see end of post
by Cygnus insorry i had to start a new topic but the board's software is not allowing me any replies and with all the newer people here they might want to get to know a little about me.. i was raised in a jw household that wasn't terribly strict, but strict enough where i had no worldly friends and wouldn't even consider college or extracurricular school activities.
baptized at 17. that and getting married just after turning 20 stunted me emotionally and i'm still recovering, though i think i'm doing an okay job.. started working in my father's business and pretty much took it over when he retired and moved to florida in 1995.. quit associating with jws in 1997 at age 25. jw wife left me on the advice of the elders, but she came back 5 months later.. grew my hair very long and pierced my ear.. in spring of 2000 two elders came to my house under the pretense of inviting me to the memorial.
" they then informed me that the real reason they were there was to serve me notice that a judicial hearing was being scheduled and i was asked several times to either attend or put something in writing that i was no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.. i chose to attend the hearing.
bttt for update purposes, sorry, I wish Simon would give me my 2/75 posts back.
Lucid Dreaming -- Ever done it? Can you do it at will?
by AlmostAtheist insomething tipped you off; a guy with a hat made of dead fish, your mom complimenting your clothing choice, wording on billboards change each time you look at them -- something that you know wouldn't happen in real life.. sometimes in dreams you just buy it, like it's perfectly normal to wear a fish hat.
but some lucky times you catch it, and then all bets are off!
fly, eat like a pig, kick puppies -- the sky's the limit!.
Yes, it happens to me all the time. Once I realize I'm dreaming I am amazed at the detail of certain things my mind generates. Last night I dreamt I was in a small parlor that my dad owned, and I played guitar while having pizza for lunch. Then I went outside and had to walk home and went through some of the craziest ghetto neighborhoods, meeting all sorts of people along the way, including two well dressed middle-aged black dudes who had a yellow Porsche and were complaining how they got pulled over all the time in Italy. Right about then is when I knew I was dreaming so, like the other dude, I completely changed the landscape and I found myself on train tracks near a beach. I could go on and on but yeah, I experience lucid dreaming practically every night and it's way cool. What's NOT cool is sleep paralysis - which is very frightening and occurs to me maybe once a week. I am half in and half out of sleep, and I can see people in my bedroom or in the hallway outside, but I can't move or talk. That's a simple one... they get really nasty. Very scary. If you ever wanna yakk about this on the phone, gimme a call Dave.
Hello all!
by Dub inhey guys, how is it going?
ironically, my nickname is dub and has been since i was in the 5th grade!
i stumbled upon the forum one day while i was at school and have been browsing ever since.
There's nothing worse than not being able to feel free in discussing your feelings with your parents. There are way too many lousy parents out there, JW and non. What the heck is wrong with people who have to blackmail their kids into joining a cult?
The Watchtower's Unbalanced View of the Internet
by VM44 inin articles concerning the internet, some of which have been titled "a balanced view of the internet", the watchtower devotes the first paragraph or two to the benefits that the internet offers and has provided.
then for the rest of the article they go on and on about the dangers and evils of the internet.. they have been consistent in writing in this manner in all the articles they have written concerning the internet.. can the watchtower itself truly be said to have a "balanced" view of the internet?.
Except, SNG, there must be a ton of Witnesses online. Look at the roofing blog and all the JWs posting on it. Many even have emailed opposers. I received one such email today. Nah, just like all the JWs who watch rated R movies at home on HBO or listen to hiphop/rap, they're using the internet.
SECRECY, Pros and Cons...UBM's, I'm asking you
by jgnat in"unbelieving mates" (ubm's), this is for you.
i'm compiling a tips sheet for brand-new ubm's to help them deal with the stresses and strains of being in a religiously mixed marriage.
help me out by giving me your experience, both good and bad, about secrecy.
I quit the JWs pretty abruptly while married, but my wife and I had a terrible marriage to begin with, so when asked "where's Jason been?" she would tell the congo I went apostate. Yes, I left apostate and critical stuff out; it was my house too. She briefly looked at one of Robert Bowman's brochures on JWs. That was it. About 5 years later I finally decided our marriage had always been a joke, and I left. She's still a JW, and we're on speaking terms and get along fine when we have to. She even stopped by a few months ago to see how I was doing and if I needed anything. She's a good woman, just trapped in a retarded religion.
My Personal Ad - Update 11/4 see end of post
by Cygnus insorry i had to start a new topic but the board's software is not allowing me any replies and with all the newer people here they might want to get to know a little about me.. i was raised in a jw household that wasn't terribly strict, but strict enough where i had no worldly friends and wouldn't even consider college or extracurricular school activities.
baptized at 17. that and getting married just after turning 20 stunted me emotionally and i'm still recovering, though i think i'm doing an okay job.. started working in my father's business and pretty much took it over when he retired and moved to florida in 1995.. quit associating with jws in 1997 at age 25. jw wife left me on the advice of the elders, but she came back 5 months later.. grew my hair very long and pierced my ear.. in spring of 2000 two elders came to my house under the pretense of inviting me to the memorial.
" they then informed me that the real reason they were there was to serve me notice that a judicial hearing was being scheduled and i was asked several times to either attend or put something in writing that i was no longer one of jehovah's witnesses.. i chose to attend the hearing.
The 1980s are definitely coming back. Look for longer hair on men, styled, not the pseudo-Peter Brady mops we see today, bell bottoms on their way out and tight fitting Levis around the ankles and butt, polo shirts, and guys only wearing one damn earring. Well.... one can hope anyway.
I miss my long hair a lot, but shaving it all off definitely is easier and more comfortable.
Oh and Ken, my bike's ok but it's gonna start snowing here any minute so I'm gonna start hitching rides soon.