I am not trying to be funny but if this had happened outside of a Catholic Church wouldn't the local cong use the story in service as an example of J's protection at the hall vs church....at the very least there would be some sort of commentary about the Evils of Church goers,,,,and I can't imagine if she would have been an "apostate" leaving a church. Also - it must be driving them crazy to see the KH reffered to as a Church...
Posts by sosad
Kingdom Hall shooting
by Stealth insad to see people so effected by this religon that they resort to violence.
i was glad to here no one was fatally ingured.
by Mary infurther to this topic i started a few weeks ago: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/124404/1.ashx i just found out that she died the other night.
we hadn't been close in a number of years, due to me becoming inactive, but i remember alot of the good times too.
she was older than me and offered to study with me when i was 14, which led to my getting baptized.. i remember that she tried for several years to get pregnant, and how happy she was when she finally conceived.
If you are able - geographically or otherwise- to go to the funeral - go. If not, send a card to her child- you may be one of the few that is able to share your remembrances of when your friend was expecting, her joy and how that affected you.
You are remembering an individual, a friend, and she happened to be a witness. As always, it is the person that makes a difference in our life- and you are connected to her past the label that some only knew her as.
The Society's more permissive stance on blood fractions could kill my Mum!
by nicolaou inwe had my mum and dad down for a meal at the weekend.
me and mum have a kind of 'unspoken truce' going on where neither of us raise an issue in conversation that will lead to a discussion on any jw sensitive topics.
it's not perfect and it doesn't always work but at least we are maintaining a relationship of sorts.. anyway, knowing that this is the 'blood card' time of year i did take the chance on asking mum just what her personal stand on blood and fractions would be.
this reminds me of the reversal on organ transplants. In the late 80's- the CO gave a talk about the "new light" and the last point made was that an older, faithful brother had commented to him that "he STILL wouldn't take an organ transplant" which cued the general laughter. the entire issue - of those that had died in the past or had been dfed - was totally whitewashed by his clever end to what should have been a show stopping doctrinal shift. I'm not even sure if this was the first we had heard of it or a rerun talk...
Do JW's stay In the Organization to avoid embarassment?
by moshe ini just read this behavior study- called the asch study.
it seems to explain why jw's agree with obviously false wt teachings and ignore warnings inside the organization.
it is all to avoid embarassment from peers, friends and family.
not to mention the humiliation of telling their 'worldly" families that they were wrong. my mom, in an unusual moment of truth once commented to me that she could never leave, even if she found the truth was wrong - how could she ever face her family that are not jw's.....but she somehow does not think of her non jw kids
Any ex- witness catholics out there?
by sosad ini'm just curious - it seems to me that there was no religion so vilified by by jws as the catholics - most esp pre vatican ii (ie - 50's early to mid '60's).
are there any tht either returned to their catholic roots, or were raised jw and converted?
I'm just curious - it seems to me that there was no religion so vilified by by jws as the catholics - most esp pre vatican II (ie - 50's early to mid '60's). Are there any tht either returned to their Catholic roots, or were raised jw and converted?
In love with a witnesss....
by city girl inhello, i'm new here...but i've been reading the forum for some time, but this is the first time i've posted.
i am stuck.
i am a non witness and have been seriously dating a witness for about a year now.
it sounds to me like you already know "your truth" about your relationship. maybe, one day he will really care to understand what is wrong with the belief systemhe was raised in and the culture that he is still, at some level a part of. only then, would the two of you have a chance.
It's like falling in love with someone who is already married. Sure, the marriage may be on the rocks. But it makes more sense for the "unhappily, but still married" one to be really and truly single- un-married- and like life like that. Then, go back to the person you were dating...
If you are meant to be together, you will be. Just not now, not like this me thinks.
I am sorry for the grief you will feel.
I am so tired...........
by vitty init is midnight and i have just got out of bed......................no sleep for me tonight ...........again.
i am so tired.
i suffer from insomnia like a lot of posters here but when i do sleep, a couple of times a week at worse or once every couple of months i have night terrors.. *these only started when i found out the truth about the org, so i can only conclude its stress.
if you are open to alternative therapies, try a "Body Talk" session or two - non invasive, and for me very effective.
The Time Bomb In Every Witness Congregation
by metatron inthe recent court defeat of the watchtower emphasizes a point i have repeatedly dwelt on:.
the confidential judicial files in each congregation of jehovah's witnesses are a potential "bomb"!.
they often make for interesting reading, if you have access to them.
the children of elders are almost always immune- in fact, i've never heard of one getting dfed
the materially poor in the cong are always at a disadvantage at a jc
there is always one scapegoat that will be dfed if a group of kids is in trouble (drinking/smoking/sex/parties) They know that dfing a group of kids will ultimatly cost the cong- esp if a school finds out/there are elders kids involved/the elders should have known or did know
i would love to see the notes the kicko elders took at my jc at 15 -
in a pinch, the materially poor elders kid will get the boot
I hate it when they make me cry!!
by Scully ini thought i was pretty much immune to any jws being able to tug at my heartstrings anymore.. mr scully and i were out shopping this morning, when someone called my name and then grabbed me and gave me a big hug.
i hadn't seen her in over 15 years.
back then, she was a teenager and i was about 10 years older than her... but we hit it off really well and mr scully and i became really good friends with her and her parents.
I am so sorry for you! But don't hate it when they make you cry - my Traditional Catholic Husband has often told me to "offer up" sadness or hurt - we never know what good it may do.
Also, the spirit that you showed this person may one day help her to remember that non or ex jw does not mean evil, vindictive frothing at the mouth apostate as she has been taught.
It sounds to me that you listened to her with sympathy if not empathy and left her with the emotional impact of many things swirling around in your head which means probably her's as well... She will go home and tell her parents and others...it will stick with her and maybe even some of them.
I say well done...who knows how this will ultimately play itself out.
How old did you expect to be when the New System would come?
by JH ini became a jw at age 28 and no way did i expect to ever get older than 40 years old in this system.. maybe at the extreme, i could have imagined being 45 years old, not more..
i phoned my mom the day my eldest started Kindergarten and told her "it's hard to believe he's starting school"...i didn't add that this was surprising since I was never supposed to start school "in this system of things". She knew exactly what I ment and tried to spin it into how much closer etc but I stopped the train cold. My eldest is nine and I'm 40.
Shortly after I left I caught wind about the generational thing changing and I told my husband that if they ever pulled that, most of the jws that I knew would leave- including my mom.
Her and I spoke about it once and she told me that it showed just how far from j I was if i could not understand the new light....it just got more sureal from there
she's also told me that no one was ever told not to go to school, the generation was not taught as absolute, we didn't move where the need was great in ' 75 becasue the Org counselled it, she never stayed with her emotionally abusive husband because the elders told her she as the wife needed to be submissive and try more....many, how much time you got? they are all nuts... if there was a styrophome glass of koolaid, and they told her/all of them to drink it, i know where i put my money