esw 1966 - very well stated!!!!!
I was about 12 (newly baptised) out in service when an elder in my car group (turned around- never would a young sister have sat in the front with a MAN) and asked me what if the truth wasn't the truth- what if the end never came and it was suddenly more than a generation etc. I had my good little witness cap on (and was freshly minted from the baptism questions) and thought of course it was a trick question - my reply was that it would never happen. that was that (ahh- to have the blind faith of a 12 year old!) anyway, HE replied that even if the end didn't come at all, the jw life was still the best life to live etc etc- the conversation ended when the rest of the group returned to the car and I never brought it up to my parents. It was just so wierd...
but this guy is still a jw has none of the financial difficulties of the 'real" witnesses like my many are there that know and don't care, or just choose not to know.... we are all personally responsible
somehow, these witnesses know just how to "do" it- his son was never DFed, wasn't even baptised until he was an adult, had all the toys and more, was never compelled to answer, much less go in service, was welcome to him dads playboy stash (or was it the dad welcome to his sons? I never did get that one straight...
I also love the quote- the organization is rot...