Im in Coffs Harbour! Hi everyone, anyone else from around here?
JoinedPosts by Aphrodite
Just out of interest - how many Australians are on this site?
by Son of a preacher man injust out of interest id like to know how many aussies are posting?
im on the east coast, been everywhere from desert to coast.
About me
by Bryce ini've been doing the home study with the jw's for almost a year now.
i've never attended the kingdom hall meetings because i didn't want to -- i used my parents' objection as an excuse.
but now i'm at a problem - i believe more as the christadelphians believe, and i no longer want to do the study with the jw's i know.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax inis there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
Goodnight Scooby.
I just had a thought and its that I think as witnesses we were made to feel that unless we were suffering we were not really doing the right thing. So once we are out it seems really weird that its OK to feel good and happy and comfortable and peaceful. We keep trying unconsciously to put ourselves in a place where we feel unhappy, uncomfortable and "persecuted" because we were taught to believe that was the only way we could be "right".
I know every now and then I have a thought that my life is too good to be true and an impending sense of doom like it can't possibly last and the better things are the worse a thing will happen.
Slowly I am deprogramming from that as terrible things don't happen and actually more and more good things happen to me.
Interestingly since my Mum recently started shunning me I have for the first time realised that I have a place in my community, a place in my 'club', I am a part of the world and really belong. I have awesome friends and I feel protected and embraced.
It was a wonderful sensation to realise that and I then realised I am the center of my universe and everything DOES revolve around me. It is all here for me, for various reasons and I can choose to do what I will with it.
Ask yourself this also, does what you do come from a place of love or from a place of fear. If from love you can never go wrong, if fear then stop, check out how to turn it into love and you'll be fine.
cheers Aphrodite.
Torn between being Gay and the Truth.........
by ScoobySnax inis there anything worse than this?
sometimes it is ok, other times it sucks.
The universe is here for YOU, everything around you is specifically for you, if its painful then its a lesson you need to learn. Pain is given to us to show us not to go there again, that its bad for us. When you cut yourself and it hurts its to tell you to not put your fingers in the way of knives.
What you call the "truth" is obviously not YOUR truth in YOUR universe, though it may well be the truth of others. It hurts you, stay away from it. Find your own truth and be at peace.
Losch reveals newer new light at Australia Zone Visit
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inokay everybody, grab your barf bag because i just got a steaming shovel full of craptastic notes from gerrit's zone visit to the land down under !!.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ read at your own risk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~puke.
zone overseer was losch and his side kick was a big black guy, quite a scolar, cant remember his name though.
New light -generation change - which watchtower?
by Aphrodite incan someone tell me which watchtower has the new light about the generation change and maybe a link to the article or a thread about it please?
New light -generation change - which watchtower?
by Aphrodite incan someone tell me which watchtower has the new light about the generation change and maybe a link to the article or a thread about it please?
So, I opened my big mouth and my sister-in-law called me an apostate . . .
by Olin Moyles Ghost ina few nights ago, mrs. ghost and i joined her family for a nice dinner on the occasion of her parents' anniversary.
they are all witnesses and decent folks--not elders or "big shots," but as far as i can tell they all buy into the jw stuff.
it was a pleasant evening, with a lot of reminiscing on the part of the in-laws.
Heres what I remember about the generation changes, from the assemblies etc.
1. A generation is 30 years. (armageddon by 1934/35)
2. A generaton is 70 to 80 years. BUT the person should be old enough at 1914 to understand the sign.(armageddon by 1975/85)
3. A generaton is 70 to 80 years. The generation was born around 1914. (armageddon by 1995)
4. A generation is people who were born around a certain period of time who saw certain events. (very confusing this one).
5. Generation” apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways."
6. The generation means the anointed remnant who see the sign. (and now the annointed can go on forever because they are basicly saying the book was not closed in 1935)
Slow, very slow.
by Blueblades inslow, very slow, any day now.
my computer works very well on all other sites.
when i come to this jwd forum, it takes a long time, very slow for the pages to come up.. is this happening to anyone else?
New Light - ?
by ocsrf injanuary 15, 2008 watchtower, page 23 paragraph 16. it seems, however, that not all who have been called to a heavenly hope since the 1930's are replacements for ones who have fallen away.
jehovah has evidently made sure that we will have anointed christians amoung us all through the final days of this system of things until the destruction of "babylon the great.
" (rev.